Spektrophotometriestandards sind unverzichtbar für die Kalibrierung von Spektrophotometern, die zur Messung der Absorption oder Transmission von Licht in einer Probe verwendet werden. Diese Standards gewährleisten genaue und reproduzierbare Messungen in Bereichen wie Pharmazie, Umweltprüfung und chemischer Analyse. Bei CymitQuimica bieten wir eine Vielzahl zertifizierter Spektrophotometriestandards für verschiedene Wellenlängen und Anwendungen an, um die Zuverlässigkeit Ihrer spektrophotometrischen Messungen sicherzustellen.

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Holmium Oxide UV and Visible Wavelength Standard 240nm to 640nm (Ph. Eur)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP00641
100ml | 235,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Blank - Aqueous (ChP)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-CP0362
100ml | 261,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 340 nm Cut-off Filter - Sodium Nitrite (ChP)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-CP0361
100ml | 482,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 200 nm Cut-off Filter - Potassium Chloride with Blank
Ref: 07-RSPEC0041
1cuvetteblank | 1.367,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Holmium and Didymium in Perchloric Acid UV and Visible Wavelength Standard with Blank (Ph. Eur)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP0002
1cuvetteblank | 1.541,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 200 nm Cut-off Filter - Potassium Chloride
Ref: 07-RSPEC0041060
60ml | 217,00 € |

Ref: 07-CAFSTD2M01
100ml | 295,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry (Linearity) Blank Hydrochloric Acid (Ph.Eur)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP0072
1cuvette | 913,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry 1AU UV Absorbance Standard at 280nm
Ref: 07-UV2801001
100ml | 84,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Holmium Oxide in Perchloric Acid UV and Visible Wavelength Standard 240nm to 640nm with Blank (Ph. Eur)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP006400
1cuvetteblank | 1.498,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 198 nm Cut-off Filter - Potassium Chloride with Blank (Ph. Eur.)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP0062
1cuvetteblank | 1.329,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Didymium UV and Visible Wavelength Standard 298nm to 865nm
Ref: 07-RSPEC0001
1cuvette | 1.399,00 € |

Ref: 07-CAFSTD20005
5ml | 255,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 200nm Cut-off Filter - Potassium Chloride
Ref: 07-RSPEC00411
100ml | 266,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Holmium Oxide UV and Visible Wavelength Standard 240nm to 640nm (Ph. Eur)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP0064
1cuvette | 1.253,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 198 nm Cut-off Filter - Potassium Chloride with 2 Blanks (Ph. Eur.)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP0062X2BU
1cuvette | 1.417,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry (Linearity) Blank 0.001M Perchloric Acid
Ref: 07-RSPEC00511
100ml | 491,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 220 nm Cut-off Filter - Sodium Iodide (ChP)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-CP0371
100ml | 261,00 € |

Reagecon Spectrophotometry Stray Light Inorganic 385 nm Cut-off Filter - Sodium Nitrite with Blank (Ph. Eur)
Ref: 07-RSPEC-EP003600
1cuvetteblank | 2.160,00 € |

Ref: 07-CAFSTD4M001
1ml | 322,00 € |