- Benzoyl chloride, 3-bromo-
- Benzoyl chloride, m-bromo-
- Methoxyisopropyl Acetoacetate
- NSC 100315
- 3-Bromobenzoyl chloride
m-Bromobenzoyl chloride is a chemical compound that belongs to the class of antimicrobial agents. This molecule is a model system for the study of redox potentials and has been used in studies on the antimicrobial resistance of bacteria. m-Bromobenzoyl chloride has shown activity against colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. However, it also has toxic effects on human epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, which may lead to side effects such as hair loss and alopecia. In addition, this drug can cause fetal bovine syndrome in pregnant women who are exposed to it during their first three months of pregnancy. The risk for fetal bovine syndrome is low because most m-Bromobenzoyl chloride is excreted from the body before it reaches the fetus.