6-Fluoromevalonate-5-Pyrophosphate is a biochemical that belongs to the group of multienzyme compounds. It is involved in the mevalonate biosynthesis pathway, which produces isopentyl pyrophosphate. The enzyme 6-fluoromevalonate 5-pyrophosphate decarboxylase has been shown to catalyze the reaction from 6-fluoromevalonate 5-pyrophosphate to decarboxylated 6-fluoromevalonate 5-pyrophosphate. This enzyme has been shown to be saturating and reversible.
6Fluoromevalonate 5 Pyrophosphate is an analog of mevalonic acid and isopentyl pyrophosphate and it can be synthesized by reacting a hydroxyl group with pyrophosphomevalonate. This reaction can be catalyzed by kinases or kinase enzymes.