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Ref. 3D-PP44412

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  • 5Fam-Phe-Leu-Pro-Ser-Asp-Cys-Phe-Pro-Ser-Val-OH

Peptide 5Fam-FLPSDCFPSV-OH is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using 5Fam-FLPSDCFPSV-OH include the following: Mannose receptor targeting of tumor antigen pmel17 to human dendritic cells directs anti-melanoma T cell responses via multiple HLA molecules V Ramakrishna, JF Treml, L Vitale - The Journal of , 2004 - journals.aai.orghttps://journals.aai.org/jimmunol/article/172/5/2845/82483 Identification of O-glycosylated decapeptides within the MUC1 repeat domain as potential MHC class I (A2) binding epitopes T Ninkovic, L Kinarsky, K Engelmann, V Pisarev - Molecular , 2009 - Elsevierhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0161589008007001 TAPBPR alters MHC class I peptide presentation by functioning as a peptide exchange 1 catalyst 2 SS Duriez, J Trowsdale , JE Deane, T Elliott, H Louise - catalyst - researchgate.nethttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Louise-Boyle-2/publication/282653273_TAPBPR_alters_MHC_class_I_peptide_presentation_by_functioning_as_a_peptide_exchange_catalyst/links/561cac1608aea8036724a573/TAPBPR-alters-MHC-class-I-peptide-presentation-by-functioning-as-a-peptide-exchange-catalyst.pdf Functional characterization of CTL against gp100 altered peptide ligands SO Dionne, MH Smith, FM Marincola - Cancer Immunology , 2003 - Springerhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00262-002-0358-3 Her-2/neu altered peptide ligand-induced CTL responses: implications for peptides with increased HLA affinity and T-cell-receptor interaction SO Dionne, CE Myers, MH Smith, DF Lake - Cancer Immunology , 2004 - Springerhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00262-003-0439-y Tumor-derived Peptides Modified at HLA-A* 0201 Binding Residues Elicit Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Responses SO Dionne - 2002 - search.proquest.comhttps://search.proquest.com/openview/483128c5dd868a08c07fa4bfea671d20/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Towards chemically altered peptide ligands as T cell-targeted influenza vaccines SKR Huber, JJ Luimstra - for peptide , 2015 - scholarlypublications https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2919352/download#page=106 Chemical modification of influenza CD8+ T-cell epitopes enhances their immunogenicity regardless of immunodominance SK Rosendahl Huber, JJ Luimstra, J van Beek - PloS one, 2016 - journals.plos.orghttps://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0156462 Immune responses against conserved influenza epitopes: lessons for peptide S Rosendahl Huber - Scand J Immunol, 1997 - scholarlypublications https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2919359/download Dendritic cells break tolerance and induce protective immunity against a melanocyte differentiation antigen in an autologous melanoma model MWJ Schreurs, AAO Eggert, AJ de Boer, JLM Vissers - Cancer Research, 2000 - AACRhttps://aacrjournals.org/cancerres/article-abstract/60/24/6995/506996 Promiscuous binding of invariant chain-derived CLIP peptide to distinct HLA-I molecules revealed in leukemic cells MM Van Luijn , AA Van de Loosdrecht, MH Lampen - PLoS , 2012 - journals.plos.orghttps://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0034649 Mannose Receptor Targeting of Tumor LZH Jones, J Goldstein, PK Wallace , T Connolly - J , 2004 - researchgate.nethttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/John-Connolly-26/publication/8686870_Mannose_Receptor_Targeting_of_Tumor_Antigen_pmel17_to_Human_Dendritic_Cells_Directs_Anti-Melanoma_T_Cell_Responses_via_Multiple_HLA_Molecules/links/0deec52a85690a9f4b000000/Mannose-Receptor-Targeting-of-Tumor-Antigen-pmel17-to-Human-Dendritic-Cells-Directs-Anti-Melanoma-T-Cell-Responses-via-Multiple-HLA-Molecules.pdf Aberrant glycosylation of anchor-optimized MUC1 peptides can enhance antigen binding affinity and reverse tolerance to cytotoxic T lymphocytes LB Pathangey, V Lakshminarayanan, VJ Suman - Biomolecules, 2016 - mdpi.comhttps://www.mdpi.com/2218-273X/6/3/31 The minor histocompatibility antigen HA-1: a diallelic gene with a single amino acid polymorphism JMM Den Haan , LM Meadows, W Wang, J Pool - Science, 1998 - science.orghttps://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.279.5353.1054 TER ICD CLIP - Alternative HLA class-I peptide , 2012 - scholarlypublications https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2920218/download Specific T cell responses against minor histocompatibility antigens cannot generally be explained by absence of their allelic counterparts on the cell surface HM Bijen, C Hassan, MGD Kester, GMC Janssen - , 2018 - Wiley Online Libraryhttps://analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pmic.201700250 Exosomes as a tumor vaccine: enhancing potency through direct loading of antigenic peptides DH Hsu, P Paz, G Villaflor, A Rivas - Journal of , 2003 - journals.lww.comhttps://journals.lww.com/immunotherapy-journal/fulltext/2003/09000/exosomes_as_a_tumor_vaccine__enhancing_potency.7.aspx Insights on the HLA-Binding Peptidome in Cancer DF Lake - The Enzymes, 2017 - Elsevierhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1874604717300252 Variation in cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses to peptides derived from tyrosinase-related protein-2 CE Myers, SO Dionne, K Shakalya, D Mahadevan - Human immunology, 2008 - Elsevierhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0198885907004831 CTL recognition of a novel HLA-A* 0201-binding peptide derived from glioblastoma multiforme tumor cells CE Myers, P Hanavan, K Antwi, D Mahadevan - Cancer Immunology , 2011 - Springerhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00262-011-1032-4 Custom designed MHC binding peptides for cancer immunotherapy CE Myers - 2009 - search.proquest.comhttps://search.proquest.com/openview/cc8c77cae25dbecfcd3f327dccb3cf47/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750 TAPBPR alters MHC class I peptide presentation by functioning as a peptide exchange catalyst C Hermann, A Van Hateren, N Trautwein, A Neerincx - Elife, 2015 - elifesciences.orghttps://elifesciences.org/articles/9617 Conditional MHC class I ligands and peptide exchange technology for the human MHC gene products HLA-A1,-A3,-A11, and-B7 AH Bakker , R Hoppes, C Linnemann - Proceedings of the , 2008 - National Acad Scienceshttps://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.0709717105

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