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Bufalin PEG11-Biotin
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Bufalin PEG11-Biotin

Ref. 3D-FB137446

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Información del producto

Bufalin PEG11-Biotin

Bufalin PEG11-Biotin is a unique compound that combines the benefits of heterobifunctional PEG and biotin PEG. This specialized PEG linker allows for efficient pegylation, a process that involves attaching polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules to a target molecule. The addition of PEG can enhance the stability, solubility, and pharmacokinetics of the target molecule, making it more effective in various applications.

Bufalin PEG11-Biotin offers a convenient solution for researchers and scientists who require high-quality PEG products for their experiments or drug development projects. With its precise structure and reliable performance, this compound ensures optimal pegylation results and consistent outcomes.

Whether you are working on drug delivery systems, diagnostic assays, or other biomedical applications, Bufalin PEG11-Biotin provides a versatile tool that can improve the performance and functionality of your target molecule. Trust in its quality and effectiveness to take your research to new heights.

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Min. 95%
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Consulta sobre el producto descatalogado: 3D-FB137446 Bufalin PEG11-Biotin

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