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CAS: 3055-95-6

Ref. 3D-FD50523

1gA consultar
2gA consultar
5gA consultar
250mgA consultar
500mgA consultar
Entrega estimada en Estados Unidos, el Viernes 21 de Junio de 2024

Información del producto

  • C12E5Polyoxyethylene 5 lauryl ether
  • 2-[2-[2-[2-(2-Dodecoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethanol
  • 3,6,9,12,15-Pentaoxaheptacosan-1-Ol
  • C<sub>12</sub>E<sub>5</sub>
  • C<sub>12</sub>EO<sub>5</sub>
  • Dodecyl penta(ethylene oxide)
  • Ethanol, 2-[2-[2-[2-[2-(dodecyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]-
  • Monododecyl pentaethylene glycol
  • Penta(ethylene oxide) dodecyl ether
  • Pentaethylene glycol dodecyl ether
  • Ver más sinónimos
  • Pentaethylene glycol lauryl ether
  • Pentaethylene glycol mono-n-dodecyl ether
  • Pentaethylene glycol monolauryl ether
  • Pentaoxyethylene glycol mono-n-dodecyl ether
  • Pentaoxyethylene monododecyl ether
  • Polyoxyethylene 5 Lauryl Ether
  • n-Dodecyl pentaethylene glycol ether
  • n-Dodecyl pentaoxyethylene glycol ether
  • n-Dodecyl pentaoxyethylene monoether
  • α-Dodecyl-ω-hydroxypentakis(oxyethylene)

n-Dodecylpentaoxyethylene is a cationic surfactant that has been shown to be active against microbial infection. It also has an antimicrobial peptide, which is a sequence of amino acids with a cationic group in the middle. This peptide can bind to the fatty acid tails of bacterial membrane and form pores in the lipid bilayer. It also inhibits the synthesis of glycol ethers by bacteria, which are used as solvents and detergents. n-Dodecylpentaoxyethylene is transported through cell membranes by passive diffusion, but it can be pumped out by efflux pumps. Structural analysis has shown that this compound contains three hydrophobic chains and one hydrophilic chain, making it soluble in both water and oil. Monoclonal antibodies have been developed to target this compound in order to prevent bacterial growth.

Almacenamiento de larga duración:

Propiedades químicas

Peso molecular:
406.6 g/mol
Min. 95%
Punto de fusión:
Punto de ebullición:
Punto de inflamabilidad:
Código HS:

Información de peligrosidad

Número UN:
Cantidad exceptuada (EQ):
Frases H:
Frases P:
Prohibido volar:
Información de peligrosidad:
Grupo de empaquetado:
Cantidad limitada (LQ):

Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-FD50523 n-Dodecylpentaoxyethylene

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