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C.I.Solvent Orange 2
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C.I.Solvent Orange 2

CAS: 2646-17-5

Ref. 3D-FS41474


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Información del producto

C.I.Solvent Orange 2
  • (1Z)-1-[(2-methylphenyl)hydrazono]naphthalen-2(1H)-one
  • 1-(o-Tolylazo)napht-2-ol
  • 1-[(2-Methylphenyl)Azo]-2-Naphthol
  • 1-[(2-Methylphenyl)Azo]-2-Naphtol
  • 1-[(2-Metilfenil)Azo]-2-Naftol
  • 1-[(2-methylphenyl)hydrazono]naphthalen-2(1H)-one
  • 1-[2-(2-Methylphenyl)diazenyl]-2-naphthalenol
  • 1-o-Tolueneazo-2-naphthol
  • 1-o-Tolylazo-2-naphthol
  • 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[(2-methylphenyl)azo]-
  • Ver más sinónimos
  • 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[2-(2-methylphenyl)diazenyl]-
  • A.F. Orange No. 2
  • Dolkwal Orange SS
  • Ext D and C Orange No. 4
  • FD and C Orange No. 2
  • Fat Orange II
  • Fat Orange RR
  • Hexacol Oil Orange SS
  • Japan Orange 403
  • Lacquer Orange V
  • Naphth-2-Ol, 1-((2-Methylphenyl)Azo]-
  • Nsc 58044
  • Oil Orange 204
  • Oil Orange OPEL
  • Oil Orange TX
  • Oil Orange ss
  • Orange SS
  • Orange TX
  • Organol Orange 2R
  • Solvent Orange 2
  • T 0553
  • C.I. 12100
  • C.I. Solvent Orange 2
  • C.I. Solvent Orange 2 (8CI)
  • C.I. Solvent Orange 2

C.I.Solvent Orange 2 is a heterocyclic compound that is used in chemical biology and in vitro assays as an antimicrobial agent. It inhibits acetylcholinesterase, a key enzyme in the nervous system, which leads to increased activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. C.I.Solvent Orange 2 also has antidiabetic properties and can inhibit proteases, which are enzymes that break down proteins. The compound also has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties by blocking Toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathways and inhibiting particle-induced inflammation in mice models of infection. C.I.Solvent Orange 2 is hydrophobic, meaning it does not dissolve well in water but dissolves well in organic solvents such as alcohols or ethers, making it useful for lab work involving organic>br>
C.I. Solvent Orange 2 is used as a food dye, typically as orange II

Nuestros productos están destinados únicamente para uso en laboratorio. Para cualquier otro uso, por favor contáctenos.
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Min. 95%
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Consulta sobre el producto descatalogado: 3D-FS41474 C.I.Solvent Orange 2

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