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2-Thienyl disulfide
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2-Thienyl disulfide

CAS: 6911-51-9

Ref. 3D-FT41175

5gA consultar
10gA consultar
25gA consultar
50gA consultar
100gA consultar
Entrega estimada en Estados Unidos, el Viernes 21 de Junio de 2024

Información del producto

2-Thienyl disulfide
  • 1,2-Di(thien-2-yl)disulfane
  • 2,2'-Disulfanediyldithiophene
  • 2,2-Bis-(thienyl) disulfide
  • 2,2′-Dithiobis[thiophene]
  • 2,2′-Dithiodithiophene
  • 2-(Thiophen-2-yldisulfanyl)thiophene
  • 2-Thienyl disulphide
  • Bis(2-thienyl) disulfide
  • Di(2-thienyl) disulphide
  • Di-2-thienyl disulfide
  • Ver más sinónimos
  • Thiophene, 2,2′-dithiobis-
  • Thiophene, 2,2′-dithiodi-
  • α,α′-Dithienyl disulfide

2-Thienyl disulfide (TDS) is a nitro group that has two sulfide groups. It is a biomolecular compound with a ligand or acceptor and has the ability to form disulfides. TDS can be synthesized by reacting thiocyanate with 2-thiophene to form the corresponding thiocyanate ester followed by hydrolysis. The yields of this reaction are dependent on the concentration of base used and the temperature at which it is conducted. TDS can also be synthesized from wittig reactions between an organolithium compound and furan, which produces an unstable intermediate that reacts with thiols (SH) to produce TDS. TDS is volatile and can be readily lost during handling because of its high reactivity, especially in the presence of light or moisture.

Almacenamiento de larga duración:

Propiedades químicas

Min. 95%
Punto de fusión:
Punto de ebullición:
Punto de inflamabilidad:
Código HS:

Información de peligrosidad

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Cantidad exceptuada (EQ):
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Frases P:
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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-FT41175 2-Thienyl disulfide

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