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Dimethyl Benzylmalonate
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Dimethyl Benzylmalonate

CAS: 49769-78-0

Ref. 3D-ZBA76978

5gA consultar
10gA consultar
25gA consultar
50gA consultar
100gA consultar
Entrega estimada en Estados Unidos, el Martes 25 de Junio de 2024

Información del producto

Dimethyl Benzylmalonate
  • 1,3-Dimethyl 2-(phenylmethyl)propanedioate
  • 2-Benzyl-malonic acid dimethyl ester
  • Dimethyl 2-benzylmalonate
  • Dimethyl α-benzylmalonate
  • Malonic acid, benzyl-, dimethyl ester
  • Propanedioic Acid, 2-(Phenylmethyl)-, Dimethyl Ester
  • Propanedioic acid, (phenylmethyl)-, dimethyl ester
  • Propanedioic acid, 2-(phenylmethyl)-, 1,3-dimethyl ester

Dimethyl Benzylmalonate is a versatile compound that has various applications in different fields. It is commonly used in research as a building block for the synthesis of new compounds. Dimethyl Benzylmalonate can be found in extracts of certain plants and has been studied for its potential therapeutic properties.

In the field of medicine, Dimethyl Benzylmalonate has shown promise as an ingredient in drugs targeting specific conditions. For example, it has been studied for its potential use in atosiban, a medication used to inhibit premature labor. Additionally, Dimethyl Benzylmalonate has been investigated for its role in the development of antibodies and its potential application in immunotherapy.

Dimethyl Benzylmalonate also plays a role in chemical research as a precursor for the synthesis of coumarins, which are widely used in pharmaceuticals and fragrances. Its benzylic nature makes it an important component for the creation of diverse compounds with unique properties.

Furthermore, Dimethyl Benzyl

Almacenamiento de larga duración:

Propiedades químicas

Peso molecular:
222.24 g/mol
Min. 95%
Punto de fusión:
Punto de ebullición:
Punto de inflamabilidad:
Código HS:

Información de peligrosidad

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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-ZBA76978 Dimethyl Benzylmalonate

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