Étalons de conductivité
Les standards de conductivité sont utilisés pour calibrer et valider la performance des conductimètres, garantissant des mesures précises de la capacité d'une solution à conduire un courant électrique. Ces standards sont essentiels pour les tests de qualité de l'eau, la surveillance environnementale et les processus industriels. Chez CymitQuimica, nous proposons des standards de conductivité de haute qualité qui répondent aux exigences les plus strictes en matière de précision, soutenant diverses applications tant en laboratoire que sur le terrain.

Reagecon Selenium Standard for Atomic Absorption (AAS) 1000 µg/mL (1000 ppm) in 0.5M Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Ref: 07-AASEH
500ml | 121,00 € |

Reagecon ICP, ICP-MS Multi Element Standard (20 Elements) in 5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃) and trace Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) and Tartaric Acid (C₄H₆O₆)
100ml | 1.217,00 € |

Reagecon Neodymium Standard for ICP, ICP-MS 1000 µg/mL (1000 ppm) in 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Ref: 07-PND2A2
100ml | 112,00 € |

Reagecon ICP, ICP-MS Multi Element Standard (30 Elements) in 2-10% Nitric Acid (HNO₃) and trace Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
100ml | 469,00 € |

Reagecon Calcium Standard for ICP, ICP-MS 10,000 µg/mL (10,000 ppm) in 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Ref: 07-PCA4C2
500ml | 365,00 € |

Reagecon ICP, ICP-MS Multi Element Standard (8 Elements) in 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃) and 1% Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
250ml | 370,00 € |

Reagecon Flame Photometry Multi Element Linearity Standard (5 Elements)
Ref: 07-FPME5
500ml | 725,00 € |

Reagecon Ion Chromatography (IC) Multi Element Anion Standard (6 Elements) in Water (H₂O)
Ref: 07-ICA6-MIX2-100
100ml | 606,00 € |

Reagecon ICP, ICP-MS Multi Element Standard (7 Elements) in 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
100ml | 431,00 € |

Reagecon Tartrate Standard for Ion Chromatography (IC) 1 mg/mL (1000 ppm) in Water (H₂O)
Ref: 07-ICAB36
500ml | 247,00 € |

Reagecon ICP, ICP-MS Multi Element Standard (2 Elements) in 5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃) and 1% Hydroflouric Acid (HF)
Ref: 07-MEICP2
100ml | 282,00 € |

Reagecon ICP, ICP-MS Multi Element Standard (29 Elements) in 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃) and trace Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
100ml | 275,00 € |

Reagecon Ruthenium Standard for ICP, ICP-MS 10,000 µg/mL (10,000 ppm) in 10% Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
Ref: 07-PRU3B8
100ml | 419,00 € |

Reagecon Thorium Standard for ICP, ICP-MS 10,000 µg/mL (10,000 ppm) in 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Ref: 07-PTH4A2
100ml | 563,00 € |

Reagecon Mercury Standard for Atomic Absorption (AAS) 1000 µg/mL (1000 ppm) in 0.5M Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Ref: 07-AAHGH
500ml | 84,00 € |

Reagecon Atomic Absorption (AAS) Multi Element Standard (2 Elements) 0.50 µg/mL (0.50 ppm) in 2% Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Ref: 07-AA-BAE-STD9
250ml | 111,00 € |

Reagecon Flame Photometry Multi Element Linearity Standard (5 Elements)
Ref: 07-FPHE5
500ml | 725,00 € |

Reagecon ICP, ICP-MS Multi Element Standard (17 Elements) in 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Ref: 07-REICPCAL17Z5
250ml | 1.304,00 € |

Reagecon Clinical Standard Sodium 120mmol/l and Potassium 2 mmol/l for Flame Photometry
Ref: 07-FCNK4
500ml | 120,00 € |

Reagecon Nitrite Standard for Ion Chromatography (IC) 0.1 mg/mL (100 ppm) in Water (H₂O)
Ref: 07-ICAS151005
500ml | 108,00 € |