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CD45RO antibody
Vue en 3D

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CD45RO antibody

Ref. 3D-10R-6407


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Informations sur le produit

Nom :
CD45RO antibody
Description :

The CD45RO antibody is a monoclonal antibody that specifically targets the CD45RO protein, which is expressed on activated T cells and memory T cells. This antibody has been extensively studied in the field of Life Sciences and has shown inhibitory effects on interleukin-6 (IL-6) signaling pathway and p38 MAPK activation. It has also been shown to inhibit syncytia formation, a process involved in viral infection.

CD45RO antibody acts by binding to the CD45RO protein on the surface of T cells, leading to the inhibition of downstream signaling pathways such as protein kinase and phosphatase activation. This neutralizing effect helps regulate immune responses and can be beneficial in various research applications.

In addition, this antibody has demonstrated high specificity and affinity for its target, making it a reliable tool for immunological studies. Its use can contribute to a better understanding of T cell activation and differentiation processes.

With its unique properties and potential applications, the CD45RO antibody is a

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Notes :

Propriétés chimiques

Point de fusion :
Point d'ébullition :
Point d'éclair :
Densité :
Concentration :
Merck :
Code SH :

Informations sur les risques

Numéro ONU :
Classe :
Phrases R :
Phrases S :
Transport aérien interdit :
Informations sur les risques :
Groupe d'emballage :
LQ :

Question sur le produit arrêté: 3D-10R-6407 CD45RO antibody

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