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E2A antibody
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E2A antibody

Ref. 3D-70R-34505


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Informations sur le produit

Nom :
E2A antibody
Description :

The E2A antibody is a high polymer monoclonal antibody that exhibits excellent pharmacokinetic properties. It is derived from human proteins and contains acid residues and disulfide bonds, ensuring its stability and effectiveness. This antibody specifically targets growth factors and can be used in various immunoassays and research applications.

The E2A antibody has neutralizing properties, making it an ideal choice for blocking the activity of specific growth factors or signaling pathways. It can be used in buffered solutions for optimal performance and can effectively bind to fibronectin and collagen, allowing for specific targeting of these proteins.

Whether you're conducting research or developing diagnostic tests, the E2A antibody is a valuable tool that provides reliable results. Its specificity, stability, and neutralizing properties make it a top choice for scientists and researchers in need of high-quality antibodies.

Nos produits sont destinés uniquement à un usage en laboratoire. Pour tout autre usage, veuillez nous contacter.
Stockage à long terme :
Notes :

Propriétés chimiques

Point de fusion :
Point d'ébullition :
Point d'éclair :
Densité :
Concentration :
Merck :
Code SH :

Informations sur les risques

Numéro ONU :
Classe :
Phrases R :
Phrases S :
Transport aérien interdit :
Informations sur les risques :
Groupe d'emballage :
LQ :

Question sur le produit arrêté: 3D-70R-34505 E2A antibody

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