Informations sur le produit
- ErbiumpowderNREOmesh
- ErbiumchipsNREO
- ErbiumingotNREO
- ErbiumfoilNREOmmthickcagxmm
- Erbium chips (99.9% REO)
- Erbium ingot (99.9% REO)
- Erbium foil (99.9%REO)
- Erbio
Erbium is a chemical element with atomic number 68. Erbium lasers are used to ablate tissue and as a light source for medical imaging. The laser light signal is generated by the decay of erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) rods, which emit infrared light at 2.94 μm wavelength. Er:YAG lasers have been used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and primary breast cancers. They have also been used to collect blood samples for analysis, as well as to measure intramolecular hydrogen bonds in proteins and DNA. Erbium has also been shown to inhibit mitochondrial membrane potential and oxidative injury, which may lead to apoptosis pathway activation and cell death.