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CAS : 4104-75-0

Ref. 3D-FM36624


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Informations sur le produit

Nom :
Synonymes :
  • 1-Methyl-1-phenylthiourea
  • NSC 87749
  • Thiourea, N-methyl-N-phenyl-
  • Urea, 1-methyl-1-phenyl-2-thio-
Description :

N-Methyl-N-phenylthiourea (MPT) is a thiourea with the chemical formula CHS. It reacts with chloride ions to form the isomeric MPTCl and MPTCI, which are both colorless solids. The MPTCl isomer has a melting point of 114°C, while the MPTCI isomer has a melting point of 114°F.
The molecular structures of both these isomers were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis, and their structures differ only in the position of one methyl group on the benzene ring. The two carbonyl groups in each molecule are positioned opposite each other, leading to an equilibrium between them.
MPT is used as a reagent for the synthesis of chlorides, amides and sulfonyl chlorides from phenols, alcohols, carboxylic acids and halogenated hydrocarbons. This reaction takes place through nucleophilic

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Stockage à long terme :
Notes :

Propriétés chimiques

Degré de pureté :
Min. 95%
Point de fusion :
Point d'ébullition :
Point d'éclair :
Densité :
Concentration :
Merck :
Code SH :

Informations sur les risques

Numéro ONU :
Classe :
Phrases R :
Phrases S :
Transport aérien interdit :
Informations sur les risques :
Groupe d'emballage :
LQ :

Question sur le produit arrêté: 3D-FM36624 N-Methyl-N-phenylthiourea

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