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CAS : 50675-19-9

Ref. 3D-FT150590

1gÀ demander
50mgÀ demander
100mgÀ demander
250mgÀ demander
500mgÀ demander
Livraison estimée en/au États-Unis, le vendredi 23 août 2024

Informations sur le produit

Nom :
Synonymes :
  • Tetrahydrothiopyranyl-4-carboxaldehyde
  • Tetrahydro-2H-thiopyran-4-carboxaldehyde
  • tetrahydro-2H-thiopyran-4-carbaldehyde
Description :

The most widely used strategy for the treatment of hydrocarbon-producing wells is the injection of fluids into the formation. This method has been shown to be effective in preventing or reducing emissions from wells and in increasing efficiency. However, it is not always possible to inject a large enough volume of fluid, which may lead to high rates of natural gas production. The development of more efficient and environmentally friendly methods that are capable of achieving higher rates than conventional fracturing should be pursued. Techniques such as focused fracturing and high-rate fracturing have shown promise as alternatives to traditional strategies. Focused fracturing uses a narrow stream of fluid at high pressure to create fractures in a single wellbore, while high-rate fracturing uses fluids injected at a very high rate over an extended period of time.

Nos produits sont destinés uniquement à un usage en laboratoire. Pour tout autre usage, veuillez nous contacter.
Stockage à long terme :
Notes :

Propriétés chimiques

Masse moléculaire :
130.21 g/mol
Formule :
Degré de pureté :
Min. 95%
Point de fusion :
Point d'ébullition :
Point d'éclair :
Densité :
Concentration :
Merck :
Code SH :

Informations sur les risques

Numéro ONU :
Classe :
Phrases R :
Phrases S :
Transport aérien interdit :
Informations sur les risques :
Groupe d'emballage :
LQ :

Question d’ordre technique sur : 3D-FT150590 Tetrahydrothiopyran-4-carbaldehyde

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