Standard di qualità del carbonio organico/inorganico totale
Os reagentes de Carbono Orgânico Total e Carbono Inorgânico Total (TOC/TIC) são cruciais para determinar o teor de carbono em amostras de água, solo e ar. Esses reagentes são amplamente utilizados em aplicações ambientais, industriais e farmacêuticas para avaliar a pureza da água, a poluição ambiental e os processos químicos. Na CymitQuimica, oferecemos reagentes TOC/TIC de alta pureza que garantem resultados precisos e reprodutíveis para suas necessidades analíticas.

Reagecon 0.5 mg/L C from USP 1,4- Benzoquinone Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Lighthouse Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOC1285
60ml | 119,00 € |

Reagecon System Suitability Set to USP for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Lighthouse Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOC1160
4x60ml | 405,00 € |

Reagecon 10 mmol/L HCL Acidified Water Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Elementar Analyser
Ref: 07-RTOCWE1A
1l | 1.281,00 € |

Reagecon 10 mmol/L HCL Acidified Water Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Elementar Analyser
Ref: 07-RTOCWE500A
500ml | 694,00 € |

Reagecon 0.5 mg/L C from USP 1,4- Benzoquinone Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Horiba and Membrapure Analysers
Ref: 07-RTOCRSS500
500ml | 1.112,00 € |

Reagecon Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard 50 mg/L (ppm)
Ref: 07-TOC501
1l | 270,00 € |

Reagecon 0.75 mg/L C from NIST Sucrose Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Lighthouse Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOC1311
125ml | 191,00 € |

Reagecon System Suitability Set to JP for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Beckman QbD1200 Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOC1104
2x40ml | 349,00 € |

Reagecon Total Organic and Inorganic Carbon (TOC/TIC) Mixed Standard 200 mg/L (ppm) Organic Carbon, 100 mg/L (ppm) Inorganic Carbon
Ref: 07-TOICMIX1
500ml | 150,00 € |

Reagecon 0.5 mg/L C from USP Sucrose Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Membrapure Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOC1286
500ml | 477,00 € |

Reagecon Non Purgeable Organic Carbon Mixed (NPOC 10 mg/L C TOC) Standard in 10 mmol/L HCl Acidified Water for Elementar Analyser
Ref: 07-RNPOC10A
250ml | 385,00 € |

Reagecon Non Purgeable Organic Carbon Mixed (NPOC 1 mg/L) Standard in 10 mmol/L HCl Acidified Water for Elementar Analyser
Ref: 07-RNPOC1A
250ml | 408,00 € |

Reagecon 0.5 mg/L C from USP Sucrose Rs Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Horiba Analyser
Ref: 07-RTOCRS-1L
1l | 961,00 € |

Reagecon 50 mg/L Total Inorganic Carbon/Total Carbon Mixed (TIC/TC) Standard with Combined Value 100 mg/L for Elementar and Sievers 900/M9 Analysers
Ref: 07-RTICTC50
250ml | 251,00 € |

Reagecon Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard 2000 mg/L (ppm)
Ref: 07-TOC2M
500ml | 116,00 € |

Reagecon Reagent Water Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for AQUA-Lab Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOC1295
1l | 752,00 € |

Reagecon Total Organic and Inorganic Carbon (TOC/TIC) Mixed Standard 5 mg/L (ppm)
Ref: 07-TOIC5
500ml | 284,00 € |

Reagecon Total Organic and Inorganic Carbon (TOC/TIC) Mixed Standard 30 mg/L (ppm) Organic Carbon, 8 mg/L (ppm) Inorganic Carbon
Ref: 07-TOIC308
500ml | 271,00 € |

Reagecon Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate 0.5 mg/L C in 10 mmol/L Acidified Water Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Elementar Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOCE1324A
250ml | 457,00 € |

Reagecon 0.5 mg/L C as Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Standard for Beckman QbD1200 Analyser
Ref: 07-ISTOC1273
40ml | 106,00 € |