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Patient Care in Community Practice

Rif. 12-9780853694502

27,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Venerdì 03 Maggio 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Patient Care in Community Practice

Harman, Robin J

Second edition

Scheduled closure of

Edited by Robin J Harman - Independent Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Consultant

ISBN 978 0 85369 450 2

Published Jun 2002

Paperback 234 x 156mm (304pp)


Patient Care in Community Practice is a unique guide for the healthcare professional or carer to a diverse range of non-medicinal products and appliances suitable for use in the home. These products include:
- stoma appliances
- incontinence aids
- trusses
- graduated compression hosiery
- wound management products
- oxygen administration aids
- inhalation therapy aids
- dietary products for special needs
- home parenteral nutrition
- enteral nutrition
- dialysis.
Many medical conditions are now treated at home rather than in hospital, and general practitioners, community pharmacists, and district nurses have all had to adjust to the increased demands that this places on the primary healthcare team.
This updated and revised edition discusses the latest developments in the treatment and management of a variety of conditions. It provides the background knowledge, and the confidence, that carers need to ensure that the patient's quality of life is maximised.


Stoma Therapy
Management of Incontinence
Trusses for Abdominal Hernias
Graduated Compression Hosiery
Wound Healing and Wound Management Products
Dietary Products
Oxygen Therapy
Inhalation Therapy
Home Enteral Nutrition
Home Parenteral Nutrition
Dialysis at Home


01-May-03, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
'This is a practical book, intended for people who actually provide care, or train those who might do so in the future.'
Dr. Imogen Savage, Lecturer in Patient Safety at the Department of Practice and Policy, School of Pharmacy, London, UK

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