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FASTtrack: Law and Ethics in Pharmacy Practice
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FASTtrack: Law and Ethics in Pharmacy Practice

Rif. 12-9780853698852

34,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Martedì 30 Aprile 2024

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FASTtrack: Law and Ethics in Pharmacy Practice

Rodgers, Ruth; Dewsbury, Catherine; Lea, Andrew

First edition

Scheduled closure of

Ruth Rodgers - Clinical Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, Law and Ethics and Catherine Dewsbury - Clinical Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, Law and Ethics, Medway School of Pharmacy, UK and Andrew Lea - Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice

ISBN 978 0 85369 885 2

Published Mar 2010

Paperback 234 x 156mm (176pp)


Law and Ethics in Pharmacy Practice focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams. Concise, bulleted information, key points, and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs. Pharmacy law and ethics, along with the knowledge of drugs and their uses, forms the foundation upon which professional pharmacy practice is built. This book covers key legislation affecting pharmacy and the pharmacist practitioner, including how laws are made, how they come into effect and are enforced.
It is an invaluable resource either as a study aid or as a companion to the established textbook, Dale and Appelbe's Pharmacy and Medicines Law and Medicines, Ethics and Practice .
Are your exams coming up? Are you drowning in textbooks and lecture notes and wondering where to begin? Take the FASTtrack route to study successfully for your examinations. FASTtrack provides the ultimate lecture notes and is a must-have for all pharmacy undergraduate students wanting to revise and test themselves for forthcoming exams.
FASTtrack: Law and Ethics in Pharmacy Practice is also available as an eBook.


1. Legislation
2. The Medicines Act 1968
3. Veterinary Medicines Regulations
4. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
5. Health Acts 1999 and 2006
6. NHS Legislation
7. Other legislation relevant to pharmacy practice
8. Professional registration and regulation
9. Ethics and professionalism
10. Pharmacy practice problems, challenges and dilemmas

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234 x 156mm
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