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MCQs in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
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MCQs in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Rif. 12-9780853699132

39,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 29 Aprile 2024

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MCQs in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Garg, Sanjay

First edition

Scheduled closure of

Edited by Sanjay Garg - Associate Professor and Deputy Head, School of Pharmacy, University of Auckland, New Zealand

ISBN 978 0 85369 913 2

Published Dec 2010

Paperback 234 x 156mm (296pp)


MCQs in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology is an invaluable resource for students and instructors in pharmaceutical science. With 600 MCQs and answers divided into six sections, the book progresses logically from basic science through to clinical considerations.
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are a key assessment and study tool in pharmacy courses throughout the world. Questions included in each chapter cover basic, conventional and novel delivery systems and allow you to gain valuable practice in this discipline.
Topics covered include:
- physical pharmaceutics
- pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics
- particle science and calculations
- dosage form design
- advanced drug delivery systems
This book, edited by Sanjay Garg and with contributions from a range of distinguished pharmacy educators worldwide, provides a much-needed examination and study guide for pharmacy students in the scientific aspects of their studies.
MCQs in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology is also available as an eBook .


Test 1. Physical pharmaceutics
Test 2. Pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics
Test 3. Particle Science and calculations
Test 4. Dosage form design
Test 5. Advanced drug-delivery systems
Test 6. Miscellaneous topics

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234 x 156mm
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