Informazioni sul prodotto
- Germanio
- Germanium element
- MeSH ID: D005857
- GermaniumpiecesNmm
- Germaniummeshpowder
- Germanium powder
- Germanium pieces
- germane
- germanium coating quality balzers
- Germaniumpowdermesh
- Vedi altri sinonimi
- Germaniumwafer
- GermaniumpowderNmesh
Germanium is a metalloid that has been used in the fabrication of semiconductors. It is also used as an analytical method for determining trace elements in water vapor and air. The synthesis of germanium is done by thermal decomposition of silicon at high temperatures or by reacting magnesium with germane gas at lower pressures. Germanium has been shown to be effective in laser ablation, where a laser beam removes material from a surface, as well as in zirconium oxide, which emits light when it interacts with a laser beam. It has been shown to have transport properties similar to those of copper and nitrogen atoms, which may have implications for blood capillaries.