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The European Pharmacopoeia(Ph. Eur.) is the primary source of official quality standards for medicines and their ingredients in Europe. Ph. Eur. standards provide the scientific basis for the quality control of a product throughout its life cycle, supporting the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare systems.

Some key facts and figures about the 11thEdition:

  • New edition, legally binding in 39 European countriesas of 1 January 2023and applied in more than 130 countries worldwide.

  • Continuously updatedand modernised to meet users' needs.

  • The 11th Edition of the Ph. Eur.contains:

    • 2469 monographs (including dosage forms);

    • 386 general texts (including general monographs and methods of analysis);

    • >and more than 2800 descriptions of reagents.

  • It will be released in July 2022and will be updated with eight periodic supplements over the following three years (11.1 to 11.8).

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