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Reagecon Calibration Kit for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Swan Analytical Analyser
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Reagecon Calibration Kit for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Swan Analytical Analyser

Rif. 07-ISTOC1254

539,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 15 Luglio 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Reagecon Calibration Kit for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Swan Analytical Analyser

Reagecon's Calibration Set for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is a product of extremely high specification and purity. The product is produced from ultra pure raw materials including water that is prepared by a special proprietary process. The product is presented in bottles that are manufactured, cleaned and leached, by a special proprietary process specifically for the product.
- The product ISTOC1257 from the table above is prepared gravimetrically on a weight/volume basis to a specification of ± 2%. Reagecon holds IEC/ISO 17025 accreditation for calibration of laboratory balances (A2LA Ref: 6739.02). Products are tested using a high performance calibrated Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC Instrument); ISTOC1257 is tested within the scope of Reagecon’s ISO 17025 accredited test method (A2LA Ref: 6739.03) and ISTOC1184 is not tested within the scope of the accredited test method.

Item No - Description | Qty:
- ISTOC1184-TOC USP Reagent Water: 2.
- ISTOC1257-TOC Standard 1.0mg/L C NIST Sucrose: 2.

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Richiesta tecnica su: 07-ISTOC1254 Reagecon Calibration Kit for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) suitable for use with Swan Analytical Analyser

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