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Reagecon Lithium Methoxide 0.1M in Toluene/Methanol Analytical Volumetric Solution (AVL) Non Aqueo…
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Reagecon Lithium Methoxide 0.1M in Toluene/Methanol Analytical Volumetric Solution (AVL) Non Aqueous Titrant

Rif. 07-LIM2015

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Reagecon Lithium Methoxide 0.1M in Toluene/Methanol Analytical Volumetric Solution (AVL) Non Aqueous Titrant

Reagecon's Lithium Methoxide 0.1M Analytical Volumetric Solution (AVL) Non Aqueous Titrant is a fully factorised, high purity, stable product, developed and tested for acid/base titrations. This Analytical Volumetric Solution, also called titrant, standard titrant or standard solution, is tested to a specification of ± 0.1%. It is a reagent of known concentration, that is dispensed from a burette or other dispensing apparatus to a sample (analyte), until a reaction between the two liquids is judged to be complete. The product may be used for manual titrations, or more commonly automatic titrations, to determine the end points by detection of any of several properties. Acid/Base titrations, also called neutralisation titrations, are used to determine either the amount of acid/base in a sample or the substance that can be converted to an acid/base.
- Titration is a rapid, economical and versatile analytical tool. This Reagecon titrant is accurate, stable, reproducible and fully factorised. Titrations performed with this product, exhibit defined stochiometry, are quantitative, establish an equilibrium that is definitive and fast and provide unambiguous results. Stability is proven (either opened or unopened) for the shelf life of this product.

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Richiesta di informazioni sul prodotto fuori produzione: 07-LIM2015 Reagecon Lithium Methoxide 0.1M in Toluene/Methanol Analytical Volumetric Solution (AVL) Non Aqueous Titrant

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