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Stockley's Drug Interactions

Rif. 12-mcstock

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Martedì 07 Maggio 2024

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Stockley's Drug Interactions

Preston, Claire L.

Scheduled closure of

Edited by Claire L. Preston

Product code MC_STOCK


Stockley's Drug Interactions is still the most indispensible and authoritative international source of drug interaction information. Based upon the many thousands of published clinical papers and reports, it provides a series of detailed, yet concise, monographs designed for quick and easy reference.
Each monograph contains a summary, clinical evidence for the interaction under discussion, its probable mechanism, clinical importance, and management.


Stockley's Drug Interactions and the Stockley's Interactions Checker - a handy comparison
We've received some questions from users recently asking about the differences between Stockley's Drug Interactions and the Stockley's Interactions Checker , and why information contained in the Checker is not always found in Stockley's Drug Interactions . For all our Stockley's users, here are the answers:
What are the main differences between the products?
The Stockley's Interactions Checker provides healthcare professionals with a quick way to check for potential drug interactions. It gives a fast ready-reference to whether drugs can safely be taken together, and provides brief advice on how to manage the interaction.
Stockley's Drug Interactions provides concise, accurate, and detailed clinically relevant information on individual and related drug interactions in the form of monographs. Each monograph covers clinical evidence, mechanism, importance and management. It is based on all available published sources and is fully referenced.
Why is it that sometimes, interactions information in the Checker does not appear in Stockley's Drug Interactions?
The vast majority of messages in the Checker are derived from the monographs in Stockley's Drug Interactions , and currently, the interactions content in the Checker is updated on a monthly basis.
Stockley's Drug Interactions is updated quarterly, giving more time to review all the literature and revise the full monograph. So, when information is updated for the Checker it will not appear in Stockley's Drug Interactions until the full monograph is revised. For example, information that is updated in the Checker first might relate to a new drug, a new safety update from the MHRA or FDA, or a new dose adjustment.
Which Interactions resource should I use?

- If you need a quick answer to your interactions query, use the Stockley's Interactions Checker. If you require more detail or an understanding of why an interactions occurs, use Stockley's Drug Interactions. However, because of the differences between the two products, if you don't find the information you need in Stockley's Drug Interactions, try searching for the interaction in the Stockley's Interactions Checker.

The table below provides a quick comparison between the two products:

Stockley's Drug Interactions
Stockley's Interactions Checker

Provide detailed, fully-referenced information about a drug interaction
Gives you a quick answer to your interactions query

Summarises the available clinical evidence and explains how to manage the interaction
Consists of 2 short lines: what happens and what you should do

Explains the mechanism of the interaction
Links to the full monograph in Stockley's Drug Interactions should you require more detail

Includes drug-drug, drug-herb, drug-food interactions
Includes drug-drug, drug-herb, drug-food interactions

International in coverage
International in coverage

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