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Osteocalcin antibody
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Osteocalcin antibody

Rif. 3D-10-2408

264,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Giovedì 13 Giugno 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Osteocalcin antibody

The Osteocalcin antibody is a growth factor that is widely used in the Life Sciences field. It is a nanocomposite that plays a crucial role in regulating bone formation and mineralization. This antibody can be used to detect and quantify osteocalcin, a specific marker for bone turnover. It works by binding to osteocalcin and facilitating its detection through various assays, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) or immunohistochemistry.

The Osteocalcin antibody has also been shown to have interactions with other proteins involved in bone metabolism, such as alkaline phosphatases and insulin. These interactions further enhance its ability to accurately measure osteocalcin levels in biological samples.

In addition to its applications in research, this monoclonal antibody can be used for diagnostic purposes. For example, it can help identify abnormalities in bone metabolism or assess the effectiveness of treatments targeting bone-related disorders.

The Osteocalcin antibody is produced using advanced techniques, ensuring high specificity and

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