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Peanut Protein Antibody
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Peanut Protein Antibody

Rif. 3D-10-2838

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Peanut Protein Antibody

The Peanut Protein Antibody is a highly specialized product in the field of Life Sciences. This antibody specifically targets tyrosine residues and is used for research purposes, particularly in the study of antibodies and their role in various biological processes.

One key application of this antibody is its use in endotoxemia research. By binding to specific antigens, it helps researchers understand the mechanisms behind endotoxemia and develop potential inhibitors for this condition.

Additionally, the Peanut Protein Antibody has been extensively studied for its ability to modulate tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels. TNF-α is a cytokine involved in inflammation and immune response. The antibody's interaction with TNF-α can provide valuable insights into immunological processes and aid in the development of therapeutic interventions.

Furthermore, this monoclonal antibody has shown promise in studies related to insulin signaling pathways. It interacts with insulin receptors and other proteins involved in insulin metabolism, providing valuable information about insulin resistance and related disorders.

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Richiesta di informazioni sul prodotto fuori produzione: 3D-10-2838 Peanut Protein Antibody

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