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Apelin Receptor antibody
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Apelin Receptor antibody

Rif. 3D-70R-12497

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Informazioni sul prodotto

Apelin Receptor antibody

The Apelin Receptor antibody is a highly specialized monoclonal antibody used in Life Sciences research. It is designed to target and bind to the apelin receptor, a protein involved in various physiological processes such as hyaluronic acid synthesis and adipose tissue formation. This antibody has been extensively tested and validated for its specificity and sensitivity in detecting the apelin receptor in various samples.

One of the key applications of the Apelin Receptor antibody is its use in studying the role of the apelin receptor in disease pathways. Researchers can utilize this antibody to investigate the presence and distribution of the apelin receptor in different tissues and cell types. This information can help uncover potential therapeutic targets or biomarkers for conditions related to adipose tissue dysfunction or hyaluronic acid metabolism.

Furthermore, the Apelin Receptor antibody has been employed in assays aimed at understanding autoimmune disorders. It has demonstrated its ability to detect autoantibodies targeting the apelin receptor in human serum samples. These findings can contribute to

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Richiesta di informazioni sul prodotto fuori produzione: 3D-70R-12497 Apelin Receptor antibody

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