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RB antibody
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RB antibody

Rif. 3D-70R-33424

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Informazioni sul prodotto

RB antibody

The RB antibody is a highly specialized monoclonal antibody that has been developed for ultrasensitive detection in the field of Life Sciences. This antibody exhibits high affinity and specificity towards its target molecule, making it ideal for immunoassays and other research applications.

Through molecular docking studies, it has been determined that the RB antibody binds to a specific growth factor, inhibiting its activity and providing potential neuroprotective effects. This makes it a valuable tool for studying the role of this growth factor in various biological processes.

In addition to its research applications, the RB antibody can also be used in clinical settings for diagnostic purposes. Its ultrasensitive detection capabilities allow for early detection of certain diseases or conditions, enabling prompt intervention and treatment.

The RB antibody can be easily integrated into various assay formats, including electrode-based systems. By utilizing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, this antibody enables accurate and reliable measurements, ensuring precise results.

Overall, the RB antibody is a powerful tool that offers significant advancements in ultrasensitive

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Richiesta di informazioni sul prodotto fuori produzione: 3D-70R-33424 RB antibody

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