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Cache Valley Virus (CVV) Nucleocapsid Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody, IgG Fraction
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Cache Valley Virus (CVV) Nucleocapsid Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody, IgG Fraction

Rif. 3D-AH9029

Dimensione non definitaPrezzo su richiesta
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Giovedì 20 Giugno 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Cache Valley Virus (CVV) Nucleocapsid Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody, IgG Fraction

Cache Valley virus (CVV) is an orthobunyavirus and an important animal pathogen. Periodic outbreaks of CVV have resulted in the significant loss of lambs on North American farms. It is geographically distinct from another orthobunyavirus, Kairi virus (KRIV) which is mainly found in South and Central America.
Cache Valley has become a sour name over the past few years in the sheep industry. As the name states, this disease is caused by a virus and therefore is challenging to control. Animals contract CVV in the fall during or after the breeding season. Cache Valley is spread via mosquitos and biting midges. Ewes and does that are infected during early pregnancy may either reabsorb or abort their fetuses. Those that carry to full term usually result in stillbirth that have severe deformities. Unfortunately, at this time there is no vaccine available for this virus.
Human can also be infected by CVV. In human hosts, this virus is neuroinvasive and can cause central nervous system diseases, such as encephalitis and meningitis and can even be potential fatal in rare cases. In virus-endemic areas there appears to be a high infection rate, specifically up to 18% of the population.

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Richiesta tecnica su: 3D-AH9029 Cache Valley Virus (CVV) Nucleocapsid Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody, IgG Fraction

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