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AZ 3451
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AZ 3451

CAS: 2100284-59-9

Rif. 3D-AJD28459

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Martedì 25 Giugno 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

AZ 3451

AZ 3451 is a small molecule that inhibits the activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β and IL-6, by binding to the receptors for these cytokines. AZ 3451 has shown anti-inflammatory effects in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease and other experimental models of inflammation. It has also been shown to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in activated human monocytes. AZ 3451 is not toxic to healthy cells and has a safety profile similar to placebo. The drug also binds to receptors involved in cellular autophagy, allowing it to be used as a diagnostic marker for inflammatory diseases. The drug's ability to bind with high affinity and specificity makes it useful for structural analysis studies on the receptor complex.

Conservazione lunga:

Proprietà chimiche

Peso molecolare:
571.46 g/mol
Min. 95%
Punto di fusione:
Punto di ebollizione:
Punto di infiammabilità:
Codice SA:

Informazioni sui pericoli

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Richiesta tecnica su: 3D-AJD28459 AZ 3451

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