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Dystrophin (396-405)
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Dystrophin (396-405)

Rif. 3D-CRB1001660

276,00 €
202,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Martedì 23 Luglio 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Dystrophin (396-405)

Forms of inherited muscular dystrophy such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) result from mutations targeting the dystrophin gene. These disorders are X-linked, progressive, and cause the gradual weakening of the muscles leading to respiratory failure and ultimately reduces the patient lifespan.In DMD, mutations lead to the production of premature stop codons and hence the truncated dystrophin protein product is vulnerable to nonsense mediated decay and degradation. Therefore, dystrophin production in muscle cells is reduced. On the other hand, nonsense mutations which also contribute to DMD, cause exon skipping in BMD and result in an internally truncated protein product which are partially functional. The symptoms of BMD are later onset compared with DMD which develop in patients between 2 to 7 years.Treatments of dystrophin disorders are in clinical trials including antisense oligonucleotide exon skipping and gene therapy. However, the efficacies of these treatments are not easily quantified. Currently levels of muscular dystrophin are quantified by western blot which can be unreliable. The peptide provided here, aligning residues dystrophin (396-405), has been shown to provide absolute quantification of dystrophin levels from biopsies using parallel reaction monitoring. This will hopefully allow better management of dystrophin disorders with better quantifications tools based on dystrophin (396-405). Further study with this dystrophin fragment could prove to be a vital step in the understanding and treatment of dystrophin disorders. Within our catalogue we also have other peptides tested for dystrophin quantification available plus the full-length dystrophin protein.

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