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cholesterol (D7)
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cholesterol (D7)

CAS: 83199-47-7

Rif. 3D-IDA19947

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 08 Luglio 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

cholesterol (D7)
Prodotto Controllato

Cholesterol is a molecule that is found in the human body, where it serves as an important component of cell membranes. It is also used to synthesize hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids. Cholesterol can be ingested through food or produced by the liver. It can be measured in blood, urine, or feces. The concentration of cholesterol in the blood is usually between 150 and 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

The chemical interactions of cholesterol are still being studied; however, it has been observed that cholesterol may react with alcohols to form esters. In addition, studies have shown that cholesterol reacts with carotenoids to form cholesteryl esters. Additional reactions include oxidation and reduction reactions with oxygen and hydrogen peroxide respectively.

Cholesterol has been validated using a LC-MS/MS method for quantification in human serum samples. This validation was done by comparing the results obtained by this technique against those obtained by an analytical method

Conservazione lunga:

Proprietà chimiche

Peso molecolare:
393.7 g/mol
Min. 95%
Punto di fusione:
Punto di ebollizione:
Punto di infiammabilità:
Codice SA:

Informazioni sui pericoli

Numero ONU:
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Richiesta tecnica su: 3D-IDA19947 cholesterol (D7)

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