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Zinc titanium oxide
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Zinc titanium oxide

CAS: 12036-69-0

Rif. 3D-MAA03669

1kgPrezzo su richiesta
50gPrezzo su richiesta
100gPrezzo su richiesta
250gPrezzo su richiesta
500gPrezzo su richiesta
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 15 Luglio 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Zinc titanium oxide
  • Titanium zinc oxide (TiZn<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>)
  • Titanium zinc oxide (Zn<sub>2</sub>TiO<sub>4</sub>)
  • Zinc Dioxido-Oxo-Titanium
  • Zinc Titanium Oxide
  • Zinc orthotitanate
  • Zinc orthotitanate (Zn<sub>2</sub>TiO<sub>4</sub>)
  • Zinc titanate (Zn<sub>2</sub>TiO<sub>4</sub>)
  • Zinc titanate(IV) (Zn<sub>2</sub>TiO<sub>4</sub>)
  • Zinc titanium oxide (Zn<sub>2</sub>TiO<sub>4</sub>)
  • Zinc titanium oxide, 99.9% (metals basis)
  • Vedi altri sinonimi

Zinc titanium oxide (ZTO) is a material with a high surface area and a large number of active sites, making it an ideal catalyst. ZTO can be used as a catalyst in hydrogenation reactions, such as the reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline. ZTO also has applications in gas sensing, optical devices, and as an electrode for batteries. The chloride ions present on the surface of ZTO react with n-dimethylformamide to form chloramine, which can be detected by FT-IR spectroscopy. The FT-IR spectrum can be used to identify the type of chloride ion present on the surface of ZTO. In addition to its use as a catalyst, ZTO has been shown to have low energy requirements for exothermic reactions such as the decomposition of carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Conservazione lunga:

Proprietà chimiche

Peso molecolare:
242.6 g/mol
Min. 95%
Punto di fusione:
Punto di ebollizione:
Punto di infiammabilità:
Codice SA:

Informazioni sui pericoli

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Richiesta tecnica su: 3D-MAA03669 Zinc titanium oxide

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