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Neurotensin (Human, Bovine, Canine)
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Neurotensin (Human, Bovine, Canine)

CAS: 55508-42-4

Rif. 3D-PNT-4029-V

54,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Mercoledì 05 Giugno 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Neurotensin (Human, Bovine, Canine)
  • Neurotensin(cattle) (9CI)
  • Neurotensin (ox)
  • 10: PN: WO2009140972 SEQID: 10 claimedprotein
  • 1: PN: WO2007100718 TABLE: 1 claimed protein
  • 1: PN: WO2009132656SEQID: 10 claimed protein
  • 29: PN: WO2007058336 SEQID: 29 claimed protein
  • Bovine neurotensin
  • Canineneurotensin
  • Mouse neurotensin
  • Neurotensin (bovine hypothalamus)
  • Vedi altri sinonimi
  • Neurotensin(dog)
  • Neurotensin (rat)
  • Neurotensin(1-13)
  • Ox neurotensin

Neurotensin is a neuropeptide that is involved in the regulation of a variety of physiological functions, including neurotransmission, cardiovascular function, and appetite. It is composed of 13 amino acids and is primarily produced in the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.
Neurotensin acts as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator in the brain, where it is synthesized by neurons in several regions, including the hypothalamus, amygdala, and nucleus accumbens. In addition to its role in neurotransmission, neurotensin has been shown to be involved in the regulation of food intake and energy metabolism. It is thought to promote satiety and reduce food intake by interacting with the hypothalamus and other brain regions involved in appetite regulation.
Neurotensin has also been studied for its potential therapeutic applications as it has been shown to be associated with the pathophysiology of conditions such as Parkinson's disease, pain, schizophrenia, cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.
This product is available as a 0.5mg vial.

Conservazione lunga:

Proprietà chimiche

Peso molecolare:
1,672.9 g/mol
Min. 95%
Punto di fusione:
Punto di ebollizione:
Punto di infiammabilità:
Codice SA:

Informazioni sui pericoli

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Richiesta tecnica su: 3D-PNT-4029-V Neurotensin (Human, Bovine, Canine)

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