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Rif. 3D-PP44975

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Martedì 05 Novembre 2024

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Peptide Fmoc-Cys-OH is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using Fmoc-Cys-OH include the following: Occurrence and Minimization of Cysteine Racemization during Stepwise Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis1,2 Y Han, F Albericio , G Barany - The Journal of organic chemistry, 1997 - ACS Publications C-terminal sequence analysis of peptides and proteins using carboxypeptidases and mass spectrometry after derivatization of Lys and Cys residues V Bonetto , AC Bergman, H Jörnvall - Analytical chemistry, 1997 - ACS Publications Pseudo-prolines as a solubilizing, structure-disrupting protection technique in peptide synthesis T Wöhr, F Wahl, A Nefzi , B Rohwedder - Journal of the , 1996 - ACS Publications Sequential peptide ligation by combining the cys-pro ester (CPE) and thioester methods and its application to the synthesis of histone H3 containing a trimethyl lysine T Kawakami , Y Akai, H Fujimoto, C Kita - Bulletin of the , 2013 - academic.oup.com Synthesis of Cysteine-Containing Polypeptide Using a Peptide Thioester Containing a Cys (Acm) Residue. T Kawakami , S Kogure, S Aimoto - Bulletin of the Chemical Society of , 1996 - jlc.jst.go.jp Immobilization of the cell-adhesive peptide Arg-Gly-Asp-Cys (RGDC) on titanium surfaces by covalent chemical attachment SJ Xiao , M Textor , ND Spencer , M Wieland - Journal of materials , 1997 - Springer Epimerization-free preparation of c-terminal cys peptide acid by Fmoc SPPS using pseudoproline-type protecting group S Tsuda, S Masuda, T Yoshiya - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019 - ACS Publications In vitro antioxidant activities of the novel pentapeptides Ser-His-Glu-Cys-Asn and Leu-Pro-Phe-Ala-Met and the relationship between activity and peptide R Yang, J Wang, S Lin, H Ye - of the Science of Food and , 2017 - Wiley Online Library A rapid and efficient method for the synthesis of selectively S-Trt or S-Mmt protected Cys-containing peptides P Stathopoulos, S Papas, M Sakka, AG Tzakos - Amino acids, 2014 - Springer Structure-activity relationship of antioxidant dipeptides: Dominant role of Tyr, Trp, Cys and Met residues L Zheng, Y Zhao, H Dong, G Su, M Zhao - Journal of Functional Foods, 2016 - Elsevier An efficient Fmoc-SPPS approach for the generation of thioester peptide precursors for use in native chemical ligation JB Blanco-Canosa , PE Dawson - Chemie (International ed. in , 2008 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Fmoc-based synthesis of peptide alpha-thioesters using an aryl hydrazine support JA Camarero , BJ Hackel , JJ De Yoreo - The Journal of organic , 2004 - ACS Publications Abalone visceral peptides containing Cys and Tyr exhibit strong in vitro antioxidant activity and cytoprotective effects against oxidative damage J Liu, G Wu, J Yang, C He, H Xiong, Y Ma - Food Chemistry: X, 2023 - Elsevier Cys-Cys and Cys-Lys stapling of unprotected peptides enabled by hypervalent iodine reagents J Ceballos, E Grinhagena, G Sangouard - Angewandte , 2021 - Wiley Online Library Trends to Acid-Labile Cys Protecting Groups: Thp as an Efficient and Non-Aromatic Cys Protecting Group for Fmoc Chemistry I Ramos-Tomillero , HM Rodriguez - 24th American Peptide , 2015 - academia.edu Tetrahydropyranyl, a nonaromatic acid-labile cys protecting group for Fmoc peptide chemistry I Ramos-Tomillero , H Rodriguez , F Albericio - Organic letters, 2015 - ACS Publications Preparations of Boc-Cys (S-Pyr)-OH and Z-Cys (S-Pyr)-OH and their applications in orthogonal coupling of unprotected peptide segments H Huang, RI Carey - The Journal of peptide research, 1998 - Wiley Online Library Evaluation of acid-labile S-protecting groups to prevent Cys racemization in Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis H Hibino, Y Miki, Y Nishiuchi - Journal of Peptide Science, 2014 - Wiley Online Library Conjugation of epitope peptides with SH group to branched chain polymeric polypeptides via Cys (Npys) G Mezö , N Mihala, D Andreu , F Hudecz - Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2000 - ACS Publications A cleavage method which minimizes side reactions following Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis DS King, CG FIELDS, GB FIELDS - journal of peptide and , 1990 - Wiley Online Library On-resin conversion of Cys (Acm)-containing peptides to their corresponding Cys (Scm) congeners DG Mullen, B Weigel , G Barany - Journal of Peptide , 2010 - Wiley Online Library Negative ion mass spectra of Cys-containing peptides. The characteristic Cys γ backbone cleavage: a joint experimental and theoretical study D Bilusich, CS Brinkworth - Rapid communications in , 2004 - Wiley Online Library A consensus zinc finger peptide: design, high-affinity metal binding, a pH-dependent structure, and a His to Cys sequence variant BA Krizek , BT Amann, VJ Kilfoil - Journal of the , 1991 - ACS Publications N-(Cbz-and Fmoc-alpha-aminoacyl) benzotriazoles: stable derivatives enabling peptide coupling of Tyr, Trp, Cys, Met, and Gln with free amino acids in aqueous media AR Katritzky, P Angrish, D Huer , K Suzuki - Synthesis, 2005 - thieme-connect.com

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