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Rif. 3D-PP45080

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Mercoledì 16 Ottobre 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Ac-Ala-Val-Ala-Gly-Lys-Ala-Gly-Ala-Arg-OH

Peptide Ac-AVAGKAGAR-OH is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using Ac-AVAGKAGAR-OH include the following: Identification of phosphorylation sites in glycine N-methyltransferase from rat liver Z Luka, AJL Ham , JL Norris , EJ Yeo - Protein , 2006 - Wiley Online Library Use of fluorescence-activated vesicle sorting for isolation of Naked2-associated, basolaterally targeted exocytic vesicles for proteomics analysis Z Cao, C Li, JN Higginbotham , JL Franklin - Molecular & Cellular , 2008 - ASBMB Identification and functional analysis of phosphorylated tyrosine residues within EphA2 receptor tyrosine kinase WB Fang, DM Brantley-Sieders, Y Hwang - Journal of Biological , 2008 - ASBMB The Role of EphA2 RTK in Breast Cancer Cell Malignancy and Tumor Angiogenesis WB Fang - 2008 - ir.vanderbilt.edu Global impact of oncogenic Src on a phosphotyrosine proteome W Luo, RJ Slebos, S Hill, M Li, J Brabek - Journal of proteome , 2008 - ACS Publications Propagation of protein glycation damage involves modification of tryptophan residues via reactive oxygen species: inhibition by pyridoxamine SV Chetyrkin, ME Mathis, AJL Ham , DL Hachey - Free Radical Biology , 2008 - Elsevier Alkylation damage by lipid electrophiles targets functional protein systems SG Codreanu , JC Ullery, J Zhu , KA Tallman - Molecular & cellular , 2014 - ASBMB Biotinylated probes for the analysis of protein modification by electrophiles SG Codreanu , HYH Kim, NA Porter - Proteomics: Methods and , 2012 - Springer Quinone-induced enhancement of DNA cleavage by human topoisomerase IIalpha: adduction of cysteine residues 392 and 405 RP Bender, AJL Ham , N Osheroff - Biochemistry, 2007 - ACS Publications Evaluation of strong cation exchange versus isoelectric focusing of peptides for multidimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry RJC Slebos, JWC Brock, NF Winters - Journal of proteome , 2008 - ACS Publications Targeted protein capture for analysis of electrophile-protein adducts RE Connor, SG Codreanu , LJ Marnett - Cytochrome P450 , 2013 - Springer Differential epithelial and stromal protein profiles in keratoconus and normal human corneas R Joseph , OP Srivastava, RR Pfister - Experimental eye research, 2011 - Elsevier Imaging mass spectrometry of intact proteins from alcohol-preserved tissue specimens: bypassing formalin fixation P Chaurand , JC Latham, KB Lane - Journal of Proteome , 2008 - ACS Publications Global stability of plasma proteomes for mass spectrometry-based analyses LJ Zimmerman, M Li, WG Yarbrough - Molecular & Cellular , 2012 - ASBMB Abundant lipid and protein components of drusen L Wang, ME Clark, DK Crossman , K Kojima - PloS one, 2010 - journals.plos.org The selenium-rich C-terminal domain of mouse selenoprotein P is necessary for the supply of selenium to brain and testis but not for the maintenance of whole body KE Hill, J Zhou, LM Austin, AK Motley, AJL Ham - Journal of Biological , 2007 - ASBMB Identification of novel Smad2 and Smad3 associated proteins in response to TGF-beta1 KA Brown, AJL Ham , CN Clark, N Meller - Journal of cellular , 2008 - Wiley Online Library Proteomic profiling of paraffin-embedded samples identifies metaplasia-specific and early-stage gastric cancer biomarkers JF Sousa, AJL Ham , C Whitwell, KT Nam - The American journal of , 2012 - Elsevier Fibrinogen beta-chain tyrosine nitration is a prothrombotic risk factor I Parastatidis, L Thomson , A Burke, I Chernysh - Journal of biological , 2008 - ASBMB An azido-biotin reagent for use in the isolation of protein adducts of lipid-derived electrophiles by streptavidin catch and photorelease HYH Kim, KA Tallman , DC Liebler , NA Porter - Molecular & Cellular , 2009 - ASBMB Prostate cancer serum biomarker discovery through proteomic analysis of alpha-2 macroglobulin protein complexes EF Burgess , AJL Ham , DL Tabb - PROTEOMICS , 2008 - Wiley Online Library DNA-protein cross-linking by 1, 2, 3, 4-diepoxybutane ED Michaelson-Richie, RL Loeber - Journal of proteome , 2010 - ACS Publications DNA-protein cross-linking by bifunctional DNA alkylating agents. ED Michaelson-Richie - 2010 - conservancy.umn.edu Scaffolding protein INAD regulates deactivation of vision by promoting phosphorylation of transient receptor potential by eye protein kinase C in Drosophila DC Popescu, AJL Ham , BH Shieh - Journal of Neuroscience, 2006 - Soc Neuroscience Regulation of the TRP calcium channel by eye-PKC in Drosophila DC Popescu - 2006 - ir.vanderbilt.edu RETRACTED: L-type Ca2+ Channel Facilitation Mediated by Phosphorylation of the beta Subunit by CaMKII CE Grueter, SA Abiria, I Dzhura, Y Wu , AJL Ham - Molecular cell, 2006 - cell.com Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II regulates cardiac l-type Ca2+ channels via the beta subunit CE Grueter - 2006 - ir.vanderbilt.edu Depletion of abundant plasma proteins and limitations of plasma proteomics C Tu , PA Rudnick , MY Martinez, KL Cheek - Journal of proteome , 2010 - ACS Publications SALSA: A Pattern Recognition Algorithm To Detect Electrophile-Adducted Peptides by Automated Evaluation of CID Spectra in LC-MS-MS Analyses BT Hansen, JA Jones, DE Mason - Analytical , 2001 - ACS Publications Identification of the protein targets of the reactive metabolite of teucrin A in vivo in the rat A Druckova, RL Mernaugh, AJL Ham - Chemical research in , 2007 - ACS Publications

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