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Rif. 3D-PP46166

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349,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 04 Novembre 2024

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Peptide W-K-Y-M-V-M-NH2 is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using W-K-Y-M-V-M-NH2 include the following: Stimulation of cutaneous wound healing by an FPR2-specific peptide agonist WKYMVm YW Kwon, SC Heo, IH Jang , GO Jeong - Wound Repair and , 2015 - Wiley Online Library Stimulation of the migration and expansion of adult mouse neural stem cells by the FPR2-specific peptide WKYMVm YW Kwon, S Bae, YS Jo, Y Seo, JH Yoon - Life, 2021 - mdpi.com The synthetic chemoattractant peptide, Trp-Lys-Tyr-Met-Val-d-Met, enhances monocyte survival via PKC-dependent Akt activation YS Bae , Y Kim, JC Park, PG Suh - Journal of leukocyte , 2002 - academic.oup.com Functional Expression of Formyl Peptide YS Bae , SY Lee, JW Shim, SK Seo, J Yun, SD Kim - J , 2009 - researchgate.net Differential activation of formyl peptide receptor signaling by peptide ligands YS Bae , JY Song, Y Kim, R He, DY Richard - Molecular , 2003 - ASPET Identification of peptides that antagonize formyl peptide receptor-like 1-mediated signaling YS Bae , HY Lee, EJ Jo, JI Kim, HK Kang - The Journal of , 2004 - journals.aai.org Injectable PLGA microspheres encapsulating WKYMVM peptide for neovascularization YH Choi , SC Heo, YW Kwon, HD Kim , SHL Kim - Acta biomaterialia, 2015 - Elsevier Biomedical therapy using synthetic WKYMVm hexapeptide YH Choi , IH Jang , SC Heo, JH Kim , NS Hwang - Organogenesis, 2016 - Taylor & Francis WKYMVm hexapeptide, a strong formyl peptide receptor 2 agonist, attenuates hyperoxia-induced lung injuries in newborn mice YE Kim, WS Park, SY Ahn , DK Sung, SI Sung - Scientific Reports, 2019 - nature.com WKYMVm Works by Targeting Immune Cells Y Yang, J Zhao, C Jiang, Y Zhang - Journal of Inflammation , 2023 - Taylor & Francis transmembrane, G protein-coupled receptors, formyl peptide receptor-like 1 and formyl peptide receptor, by the synthetic hexapeptide WKYMVm for human phagocyte Y Le, W Gong, B Li, NM Dunlop, W Shen - The Journal of , 1999 - journals.aai.org The effect of the WKYMVm peptide on promoting mBMSC secretion of exosomes to induce M2 macrophage polarization through the FPR2 pathway W Zhao, J Hu, Q He - Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2021 - Springer The synthetic peptide Trp-Lys-Tyr-Met-Val-Met-NH2 specifically activates neutrophils through FPRL1/lipoxin A4 receptors and is an agonist for the orphan monocyte T Christophe , A Karlsson , C Dugave, MJ Rabiet - Journal of Biological , 2001 - ASBMB The immune-stimulating peptide WKYMVm has therapeutic effects against ulcerative colitis SD Kim, S Kwon , SK Lee, M Kook, HY Lee - & molecular medicine, 2013 - nature.com Functional expression of formyl peptide receptor family in human NK cells SD Kim, JM Kim , SH Jo , HY Lee, SY Lee - The Journal of , 2009 - journals.aai.org WKYMVm-induced activation of formyl peptide receptor 2 stimulates ischemic neovasculogenesis by promoting homing of endothelial colony-forming cells SC Heo, YW Kwon, IH Jang , GO Jeong, JW Yoon - Stem , 2014 - academic.oup.com Stimulation of Bactericidal and Fungicidal Activity of Neonatal Monocytes by Immunoactivating Peptide. SA Ju, CK Kim, BS Kim, SK Seo, TY Ha - Journal of the Korean , 2001 - neo-med.org The synthetic peptide Trp-Lys-Tyr-Met-Val-D-Met is a potent chemotactic agonist for mouse formyl peptide receptor R He, L Tan, DD Browning , JM Wang - The Journal of , 2000 - journals.aai.org The synthetic chemoattractant peptide WKYMVm induces superoxide production by human eosinophils via the phosphoinositide 3-kinase-mediated activation of MH Shin, YA Lee, YS Bae , H Kita , Y Kim - International archives of , 2005 - karger.com A novel nonpeptide ligand for formyl peptide receptor-like 1 M Nanamori, X Cheng, J Mei, H Sang, Y Xuan - Molecular , 2004 - ASPET A peptide with unique receptor specificity: stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis and induction of superoxide generation in human neutrophils. JK Seo, SY Choi, Y Kim, SH Baek, KT Kim - (Baltimore, Md.: 1950 , 1997 - journals.aai.org Formyl peptide receptor 2 alleviates hepatic fibrosis in liver cirrhosis by vascular remodeling JH Jun, SY Park, S Park, HJ Park, JY Kim - International Journal of , 2021 - mdpi.com Formyl peptide receptor suppresses melanoma development and promotes NK cell migration J Liu , J Li, X Zeng, Z Rao, J Gao, B Zhang, Y Zhao - Inflammation, 2014 - Springer The protective effect of WKYMVm peptide on inflammatory osteolysis through regulating NF-κB and CD9/gp130/STAT3 signalling pathway J Hu, X Li, Y Chen, X Han, L Li, Z Yang - Journal of Cellular , 2020 - Wiley Online Library Release of immunomodulatory peptides at bacterial membrane interfaces as a novel strategy to fight microorganisms J Cardozo-Fh, R Correa , DS Ribeiro, M Prates - Discovery of Trp-Nle-Tyr-Met as a novel agonist for human formyl peptide receptor-like 1 HX Wan, C Zhou, Y Zhang, M Sun, X Wang - Biochemical , 2007 - Elsevier Functional characterization of three mouse formyl peptide receptors HQ He, D Liao , ZG Wang, ZL Wang, HC Zhou - Molecular , 2013 - ASPET synthetic peptide Trp-Lys-Tyr-Met-Val-D-Met inhibits human monocyte-derived dendritic cell maturation via formyl peptide receptor and formyl peptide receptor-like 2 HK Kang, HY Lee, MK Kim, KS Park - The Journal of , 2005 - journals.aai.org Therapeutic potential of WKYMVm in diseases H Ma, X Guo, Z Wang, M Han, H Liu - Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022 - frontiersin.org WKYMVm ameliorates acute lung injury via neutrophil antimicrobial peptide derived STAT1/IRF1 pathway H Lee, J Lee, Y Park, JH Kim , O Eickelberg - Biochemical and , 2020 - Elsevier Granulocyte function is stimulated by a novel hexapeptide, WKYMVm, in chemotherapy-treated cancer patients H Kim, JH Park, EH Lee, MJ Kim, SK Park - Experimental , 2006 - Elsevier Enhanced bactericidal function by WKYMVm in patients with acute leukemia H Kim, EK Noh, EJ Lee , JH Baek, SJ Shin, JH Park - Leukemia research, 2008 - Elsevier Activation of formyl peptide receptor-like 1 by WKYMVm induces serine phosphorylation of STAT3, which inhibits its tyrosine phosphorylation and nuclear EJ Jo, HY Lee, J Im Kim, HK Kang, YN Lee, JY Kwak - Life sciences, 2004 - Elsevier Effect of a novel peptide, WKYMVm-and sirolimus-coated stent on re-endothelialization and anti-restenosis EJ Jang, IH Bae, DS Park, SY Lee, KS Lim - Journal of Materials , 2015 - Springer The synthetic peptide WKYMVm attenuates the function of the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 through activation of formyl peptide receptor-like 1 BQ Li, MA Wetzel , JA Mikovits - Blood, The Journal , 2001 - ashpublications.org Activation of formyl peptide receptor 1 elicits therapeutic effects against collagen-induced arthritis B Park, M Lee, SD Kim, YS Jeong - Journal of Cellular , 2021 - Wiley Online Library Quantification and application of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of WKYMVm peptide in rat using solid-phase B Lee, MH Park, SC Heo, Y Park - Biomedical , 2018 - Wiley Online Library

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856.13 g/mol
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