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Rif. 3D-PP46248

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 21 Ottobre 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Abz-Thr-Pro-Phe-Ser-Gly-Gln-EDDnp

Peptide Abz-TPFSGQ-EDDnp is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using Abz-TPFSGQ-EDDnp include the following: Structural characterization of mouse neutrophil serine proteases and identification of their substrate specificities T Kalupov, M Brillard-Bourdet, S Dade - Journal of Biological , 2009 - ASBMB Consequences of cathepsin C inactivation on membrane exposure of proteinase 3, the target antigen in autoimmune vasculitis SP de Saint-Etienne, F Jarez - researchgate.net Measurement of free and membrane-bound cathepsin G in human neutrophils using new sensitive fluorogenic substrates S Attucci, B Korkmaz, L Juliano , E Hazouard - Biochemical , 2002 - portlandpress.com Protease inhibitors derived from elafin and SLPI and engineered to have enhanced specificity towards neutrophil serine proteases ML Zani, K Baranger, N Guyot, S Dallet-Choisy - Protein , 2009 - Wiley Online Library Discriminating between the activities of human cathepsin G and chymase using fluorogenic substrates B Korkmaz, G Jegot, LC Lau, M Thorpe - The FEBS , 2011 - Wiley Online Library The chymase mouse mast cell protease 4 degrades TNF, limits inflammation, and promotes survival in a model of sepsis AM Piliponsky, CC Chen, EJ Rios, PM Treuting - The American journal of , 2012 - Elsevier

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