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Rif. 3D-PP47573

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Venerdì 18 Ottobre 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto


Peptide H-VVVGAVGVGK^-OH is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using H-VVVGAVGVGK^-OH include the following: Abstract C004: TCRs directed to mutant KRAS display distinct antigen recognition motifs and minimal cross-reactivity to non-cognate antigens RB Nadler, A Bear , RH Vonderheide, GP Linette - Cancer Research, 2022 - AACR Identification of T-cell receptors targeting KRAS-mutated human tumors QJ Wang, Z Yu, K Griffith, K Hanada, NP Restifo - Cancer immunology , 2016 - AACR Mutated RAS: targeting the"Untargetable" with T cells PD Chatani, JC Yang - Clinical Cancer Research, 2020 - AACR Identification and Validation of T-cell Receptors Targeting RAS Hotspot Mutations in Human Cancers for Use in Cell-based Immunotherapy N Levin , BC Paria, NR Vale, R Yossef , FJ Lowery - Clinical Cancer , 2021 - AACR Identification and Structural Characterization of a mutant KRAS-G12V specific TCR restricted by HLA-A3 MJW Sim , K Hanada, Z Stotz, Z Yu, J Lu, P Brennan - bioRxiv, 2024 - biorxiv.org Systematic discovery and validation of T cell targets directed against oncogenic KRAS mutations J Choi, SP Goulding , BP Conn, CD McGann - Cell reports , 2021 - cell.com Systematic discovery of Neoepitope-HLA pairs for neoantigens shared among patients and tumor types HR Gurung , AJ Heidersbach, M Darwish - Nature , 2023 - nature.com Facts and hopes in immunotherapy strategies targeting antigens derived from KRAS mutations GP Linette, AS Bear , BM Carreno - Clinical Cancer Research, 2024 - AACR Biochemical and functional characterization of mutant KRAS epitopes validates this oncoprotein for immunological targeting AS Bear , T Blanchard, J Cesare , MJ Ford - Nature , 2021 - nature.com Abstract PR08: TCR1020 specific for KRAS G12V restricted to HLA-A* 11: 01 exhibits potent and precise antigen specificity for clinical development AS Bear , RB Nadler, J Scholler, RH Vonderheide - Molecular Cancer , 2023 - AACR Abstract PR04: Anti peptide-HLA (TCR-like) antibodies specific for the KRAS G12V neoantigen A Maserati, D Makris, B Kiefel, M Beasley - Molecular Cancer , 2020 - AACR

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