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Rif. 3D-PP48340

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Giovedì 24 Ottobre 2024

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Peptide H-NTTGALTTR^-OH is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using H-NTTGALTTR^-OH include the following: Development and application of a UPLC-MS/MS method for P-glycoprotein quantification in human tumor cells Z Qiu, J Peng, L Mou, X Li, F Meng, P Yu - Journal of Chromatography B, 2018 - Elsevier Microvilli morphology can affect efflux active P-glycoprotein in confluent MDCKII-hMDR1-NKI and Caco-2 cell monolayers Z Meng, S Le Marchand, D Agnani, M Szapacs - Drug Metabolism and , 2017 - ASPET Liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry based targeted proteomics quantification of P-glycoprotein in various biological samples Y Zhang, N Li, PW Brown, JS Ozer - in Mass Spectrometry, 2011 - Wiley Online Library A study protocol for quantitative targeted absolute proteomics (QTAP) by LC-MS/MS: application for inter-strain differences in protein expression levels of transporters Y Uchida, M Tachikawa, W Obuchi, Y Hoshi - Fluids and Barriers of , 2013 - Springer and Tetsuya Terasaki1 Y Uchida, M Tachikawa, W Obuchi, Y Hoshi - 2013 - fluidsbarrierscns.biomedcentral.com Comprehensive characterization and optimization of Caco-2 cells enabled the development of a miniaturized 96-well permeability assay X Cai, S Patel, C Huang, A Paiva, Y Sun, G Barker - Xenobiotica, 2022 - Taylor & Francis Successful prediction of human fetal exposure to P-glycoprotein substrate drugs using the proteomics-informed relative expression factor approach and PBPK O Anoshchenko , F Storelli , JD Unadkat - Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2021 - ASPET Utilizing a Dual Human Transporter MDCKII-MDR1-BCRP Cell Line to Assess Efflux at the Blood Brain Barrier N Colclough, RV Alluri, JW Tucker, E Gozalpour - Drug Metabolism and , 2024 - ASPET P-gp/ABCB1 exerts differential impacts on brain and fetal exposure to norbuprenorphine MZ Liao, C Gao , LM Shireman, B Phillips - Pharmacological , 2017 - Elsevier Understanding Pregnancy-induced Changes in the Disposition of Norbuprenorphine, Metformin and Glyburide in Mice and Humans for Optimizing Drug Therapy MZ Liao - 2018 - digital.lib.washington.edu Development of a new permeability assay using low-efflux MDCKII cells L Di, C Whitney-Pickett, JP Umland, H Zhang - Journal of , 2011 - Elsevier Impact of In Vitro Passive Permeability in a P-gp-transfected LLC-PK1 Model on the Prediction of the Rat and Human Unbound Brain-to-Plasma Concentration Ratio J Nicolaaca¯ , H Chapy, E Gillent, K Saunders - Pharmaceutical , 2020 - Springer Atlas of Membrane Transporter Proteins: Development and Application of a Highly Sensitive Simultaneous LC/MS/MS Method Combined with Novel In-silico Peptide J Kamiie, S Ohtsuki , R Iwase, K Ohmine - Pharmaceutical , 2008 - Springer Successful prediction of human steady-state unbound brain-to-plasma concentration ratio of P-gp substrates using the proteomics-informed relative expression F Storelli , O Anoshchenko - Clinical Pharmacology & , 2021 - Wiley Online Library Critical issues and optimized practices in quantification of protein abundance level to determine interindividual variability in DMET proteins by LC-MS/MS proteomics DK Bhatt , B Prasad - Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018 - Wiley Online Library LC-MS/MS-based quantification of efflux transporter proteins at the BBB D Gomez-Zepeda , M Taghi, M Smirnova - of Pharmaceutical and , 2019 - Elsevier LC-MS/MS-based quantification of clinically relevant intestinal uptake and efflux transporter proteins C Gröer, S Bruck, Y Lai , A Paulick, A Busemann - of pharmaceutical and , 2013 - Elsevier Optimized approaches for quantification of drug transporters in tissues and cells by MRM proteomics B Prasad , JD Unadkat - The AAPS journal, 2014 - Springer Human hepatic transporter signature peptides for quantitative targeted absolute proteomics: selection, digestion efficiency, and peptide stability A Mori, T Masuda , S Ito, S Ohtsuki - Pharmaceutical Research, 2022 - Springer

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