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Rif. 3D-PP48355

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 28 Ottobre 2024

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Peptide H-DINNN-NHMe is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using H-DINNN-NHMe include the following: Streamlined Protein-Protein Interface Loop Mimicry T Mi, S Siriwibool, K Burgess - Chemie International Edition, 2023 - Wiley Online Library Macrocyclic modalities combining peptide epitopes and natural product fragments SM Guéret, S Thavam, RJ Carbajo - Journal of the , 2020 - ACS Publications Assessing the cellular toxicity of peptide inhibitors of intracellular protein-protein interactions by microinjection SB Reddiar , H Al-Wassiti , CW Pouton - Bioorganic & Medicinal , 2021 - Elsevier Lonafarnib is an oral medication that helps prevent the buildup of defective progerin or progerin-like protein. Menu SB Reddiar , H Al-Wassiti , CW Pouton , CJ Nowell - lonafarnibinhibitor.com Applications of 19F-NMR in Fragment-Based Drug Discovery RS Norton , EWW Leung, IR Chandrashekaran - Molecules, 2016 - mdpi.com Anti-infective peptides to enhance the host innate response: design, development and delivery RS Norton - Protein and Peptide Letters, 2018 - ingentaconnect.com Cyclic peptides in biological/medicinal chemistry RG Muaca±iz - Cyclic peptides in biological/medicinal chemistry, 2017 - eurpepsoc.com SPSB1: Human SPRY domain-containing SOCS box protein SSB-1 PDB Codes - thesgc.org Structural basis for Par-4 recognition by the SPRY domain-and SOCS box-containing proteins SPSB1, SPSB2, and SPSB4 P Filippakopoulos , A Low, TD Sharpe - Journal of molecular , 2010 - Elsevier Proteomic analysis of the NOS2 interactome in human airway epithelial cells MW Foster , JW Thompson, MT Forrester , Y Sha - Nitric Oxide, 2013 - Elsevier 15: 00-17: 00 Monday, 21st June, 2021 Presentation type Poster MA Bond, A Testa, A Ciulli - app.oxfordabstracts.com A SPRY domain-containing SOCS box protein 3 (SPSB3) involved in the regulation of cytokine production in granulocytes of Crassostrea gigas M Wang, C Liu, W Wang, M Dong, P Zhang - Developmental & , 2019 - Elsevier Targeting protein-protein interfaces using macrocyclic peptides M Gao, K Cheng, H Yin - Peptide Science, 2015 - Wiley Online Library Macrocyclic iminopeptides diversify to better target proteins L Reguera , DG Rivera - ChemMedChem, 2020 - Wiley Online Library Structural basis for the regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase by the SPRY domain-containing SOCS box protein SPSB2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase K Li, T You, P Zhao, Y Luo, D Zhang, H Wei, Y Wang - Nitric Oxide, 2021 - Elsevier Design, synthesis, and characterization of cyclic peptidomimetics of the inducible nitric oxide synthase binding epitope that disrupt the protein-protein interaction JR Harjani , BK Yap , EWW Leung, A Lucke - Journal of Medicinal , 2016 - ACS Publications Regulation of Drosophila Vasa In Vivo through Paralogous Cullin-RING E3 Ligase Specificity Receptors JM Kugler, JS Woo , BH Oh , P Lasko - Molecular and cellular , 2010 - Taylor & Francis Post-transitional mechanisms of gene regualtion in the maternal determination of embryonic cell fates in Drosphila melanogaster oogenesis JM Kugler - 2009 - escholarship.mcgill.ca Molecular insights into the interaction between the SPRY domain-containing SOCS box protein SPSB2 and peptides based on the binding motif from iNOS EWW Leung, MD Mulcair, BK Yap - Australian Journal of , 2016 - CSIRO Publishing 19F NMR as a Probe of Ligand Interactions with the iNOS Binding site of SPRY Domain-Containing SOCS Box Protein 2 EWW Leung, H Yagi, JR Harjani - Chemical biology & , 2014 - Wiley Online Library Post-translational regulation by gustavus contributes to selective Vasa protein accumulation in multipotent cells during embryogenesis EA Gustafson, M Yajima , CE Juliano , GM Wessel - Developmental biology, 2011 - Elsevier New modalities for challenging targets in drug discovery E Valeur, SM Gueret, H Adihou - Angewandte Chemie , 2017 - Wiley Online Library 19 F NMR viewed through two different lenses: ligand-observed and protein-observed 19 F NMR applications for fragment-based drug discovery CR Buchholz, WCK Pomerantz - RSC chemical biology, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org Redox-stable cyclic peptide inhibitors of the SPSB2-iNOS interaction BK Yap , JR Harjani , EWW Leung, SE Nicholson - FEBS , 2016 - Wiley Online Library A potent cyclic peptide targeting SPSB2 protein as a potential anti-infective agent BK Yap , EWW Leung, H Yagi, CA Galea - Journal of Medicinal , 2014 - ACS Publications Inhibitors of SPSB-iNOS interactions as a potential novel class of anti-infectives BK Yap - 2016 - scholar.archive.org The Single Disulfide-Directed#-Hairpin Fold. Dynamics, Stability and Engineering B Chittoor, K Bankala, RAW Morales, CA MacRaild - researchgate.net The single disulfide-directed beta-hairpin fold. dynamics, stability, and engineering B Chittoor, B Krishnarjuna , RAV Morales - Biochemistry, 2017 - ACS Publications Structural Characterisation and Engineering of the Single Disulfide-Directed beta-Hairpin (SDH) Fold B Chittoor - 2018 - scholar.archive.org Invited Review Targeting Protein2Protein Interfaces Using Macrocyclic Peptides AQ Gao, K Cheng, H Yin - researchgate.net Crystal structure of the TRIM25 B30. 2 (PRYSPRY) domain: a key component of antiviral signalling AA D'Cruz , NJ Kershaw , JJ Chiang - Biochemical , 2013 - portlandpress.com Structure and function of the SPRY/B30. 2 domain proteins involved in innate immunity AA D'Cruz , JJ Babon , RS Norton , NA Nicola - Protein , 2013 - Wiley Online Library

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