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Rif. 3D-PP48365

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 21 Ottobre 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto


Peptide Ac-AKFVAAWTLKAAA-NH2 is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using Ac-AKFVAAWTLKAAA-NH2 include the following: An altered peptide ligand for naaca¯ve cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope of TRP-2(180-188) enhanced immunogenicity Y Tang, Z Lin, B Ni, J Wei, J Han, H Wang - Cancer Immunology , 2007 - Springer Synthesis of multicomponent peptide-based vaccine candidates against group A streptococcus WM Hussein , J Xu, P Simerska - Australian Journal of , 2016 - CSIRO Publishing A novel HLA-A2-restricted CTL epitope of tumor-associated antigen L6 can inhibit tumor growth in vivo SH Tu, HI Huang , SI Lin, HY Liu, YP Sher - Journal of , 2012 - journals.lww.com Improved immunogenicity against a Her2/neu-Derived peptide by employment of a Pan HLA DR-Binding epitope and CpG in a BALB/c mice model S Tahaghoghi-Hajghorbani - Anti-Cancer Agents , 2017 - ingentaconnect.com Single-chain HLA-A2 MHC trimers that incorporate an immundominant peptide elicit protective T cell immunity against lethal West Nile virus infection S Kim, L Li, CP McMurtrey, WH Hildebrand - The Journal of , 2010 - journals.aai.org Peptide-based vaccines RJ Nevagi , I Toth , M Skwarczynski - Peptide applications in biomedicine , 2018 - Elsevier A chimera containing CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell epitopes of the Leishmania donovani nucleoside hydrolase (NH36) optimizes cross-protection against MV Alves-Silva, D Nico , A Morrot, M Palatnik - Frontiers in , 2017 - frontiersin.org Immunological evaluation of a novel HLA-A2 restricted phosphopeptide of tumor associated Antigen, TRAP1, on cancer therapy MH Lin, KY Shen, BS Liu, IH Chen, YP Sher , GC Tseng - Vaccine: X, 2019 - Elsevier Identification of HLA-A11-restricted CTL epitopes derived from HPV type 18 using DNA immunization HW Chen, CH Leng, HY Liu, WF Cheng - Cancer Biology & , 2009 - Taylor & Francis Human immunome, bioinformatic analyses using HLA supermotifs and the parasite genome, binding assays, studies of human T cell responses, and immunization of H Cong, EJ Mui, WH Witola, J Sidney , J Alexander - Immunome , 2010 - Springer based on chimeric peptides from different Leishmania infantum proteins induces dendritic cells maturation and promotes peptide-specific IFNγ-producing E Athanasiou, M Agallou , S Tastsoglou - Frontiers in , 2017 - frontiersin.org Epitope targeting with self-assembled peptide vaccines DF Zeigler , E Gage, R Roque, CH Clegg - npj Vaccines, 2019 - nature.com Improving therapeutic HPV peptide-based vaccine potency by enhancing CD4+ T help and dendritic cell activation CY Wu, A Monie, X Pang, CF Hung , TC Wu - Journal of biomedical , 2010 - Springer Peptide and peptidomimetic-based vaccines A Singh , M Thakur - Peptide and Peptidomimetic Therapeutics, 2022 - Elsevier

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