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Rif. 3D-PP48922

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Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 21 Ottobre 2024

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Peptide H-LFLEPTQADIALL^K-OH is a Research Peptide with significant interest within the field academic and medical research. This peptide is available for purchase at Cymit Quimica in multiple sizes and with a specification of your choice. Recent citations using H-LFLEPTQADIALL^K-OH include the following: Development of an LC-MS/MS proposed candidate reference method for the standardization of analytical methods to measure lipoprotein (a) SM Marcovina, N Clouet-Foraison - Clinical , 2021 - academic.oup.com Kringle Iv-2 Independent Quantitation Of Serum Apo (A) By Mass Spectrometry R Ruhaak , F Romijn, N Smit, M Pieterse - , 2019 - atherosclerosis-journal.com Effects of mipomersen, an apolipoprotein B100 antisense, on lipoprotein (a) metabolism in healthy subjects R Nandakumar, A Matveyenko, T Thomas - Journal of Lipid , 2018 - ASBMB An LC-MS-based designated comparison method with similar performance to the Lp (a) reference measurement procedure to guide molar Lp (a) standardization NM Diederiks, LR Ruhaak , FP Romijn, MM Pieterse - Clinical Proteomics, 2024 - Springer Romi n NM Diederiks, LR Ruhaak - , Smit, NPM, & , 2024 - scholarlypublications Standardization of Analytical Methods for the Measurement of Lipoprotein (a): Bridging Past and Future Initiatives N Clouet-Foraison, T Vaisar, SM Marcovina - Lipoprotein (a), 2023 - Springer Simultaneous quantitation and size characterization of apolipoprotein (a) by ultra-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry ME Lassman, TM McLaughlin, H Zhou - Rapid , 2014 - Wiley Online Library Effects of Mipomersen, an apoB100 antisense, on Lp (a) metabolism in healthy subjects. MD Reyes-Soffer, G Reyes-Soffer - researchgate.net Relating Lipoprotein (a) Concentrations to Cardiovascular Event Risk After Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Comparison of 3 Tests M Szarek , E Reijnders , JW Jukema , DL Bhatt - Circulation, 2024 - Am Heart Assoc Rei finders, E., ukema M Szarek - W., Bhatt, DL, Bittner, V.., Diaz, R , 2024 - scholarlypublications Development of an LC-MRM-MS-based candidate reference measurement procedure for standardization of serum apolipoprotein (a) tests LR Ruhaak , FP Romijn, I Begcevic Brkovic - Clinical , 2023 - academic.oup.com Quantifying apolipoprotein (a) in the era of proteoforms and precision medicine LR Ruhaak , CM Cobbaert - Clinica Chimica Acta, 2020 - Elsevier Romi n LR Ruhaak - FPHTM, Brko ic, IB, Kuklen ik, Z , 2023 - scholarlypublications Apolipoprotein (a) kinetics in statin-treated patients with elevated plasma lipoprotein (a) concentration L Ma, DC Chan , EMM Ooi , SM Marcovina - The Journal of , 2019 - academic.oup.com Studies of the metabolism of lipoprotein (a) in humans L Ma - 2020 - Commutability assessment of candidate reference materials for lipoprotein (a) by comparison of a MS-based candidate reference measurement procedure with I Dikaios, H Althaus, E Angles-Cano - Clinical , 2023 - academic.oup.com Measurement of apo (a) kinetics in human subjects using a microfluidic device with tandem mass spectrometry H Zhou, J Castro-Perez, ME Lassman - Rapid , 2013 - Wiley Online Library PCSK9 Inhibition with alirocumab increases the catabolism of lipoprotein (a) particles in statin-treated patients with elevated lipoprotein (a) GF Watts, DC Chan , J Pang , L Ma, Q Ying , S Aggarwal - Metabolism, 2020 - Elsevier C. Stefanutti, MD, PhD*, L. Pisciotta, MD, E. Favari, PhD, S. Di Giacomo, MD, PhD, F. Vacondio, PhD, MG Zenti, MD, C. Morozzi, MD, D. Berretti, MD, D. Mesce GF Watts - 2023 - Effects of PCSK9 inhibition with alirocumab on lipoprotein metabolism in healthy humans G Reyes-Soffer, M Pavlyha, C Ngai, T Thomas - Circulation, 2017 - Am Heart Assoc Unmet Need For Secondary Prevention In Individuals With Hyperlipoproteinemia (A): The Copenhagen General Population Study CM Madsen, PR Kamstrup, A Varbo - , 2019 - atherosclerosis-journal.com Lipoprotein (a) concentration, genetic variants, apo (a) isoform size, and cellular cholesterol efflux in patients with elevated Lp (a) and coronary heart disease C Stefanutti, L Pisciotta , E Favari , S Di Giacomo - Journal of Clinical , 2020 - Elsevier PCSK9 Modulates the Secretion But Not the Cellular Uptake of Lipoprotein (a) Ex Vivo AEB by Alirocumab - 2016 - researchgate.net Translational Sciences A Thedrez, B Sjouke, M Passard - Thromb Vasc Biol, 2016 - researchgate.net Lipoprotein (A) And Risk Of Ischemic Stroke In The General Population A Langsted, BG Nordestgaard - , 2019 - atherosclerosis-journal.com

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