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SDS PAGE Sample Buffer (5X) (Reducing) w/ DTT w/ BPB

Rif. SR-98786

41,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Mercoledì 07 Agosto 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

SDS PAGE Sample Buffer (5X) (Reducing) w/ DTT w/ BPB

It is the most commonly used sample buffer for SDS-PAGE of denatured proteins. It is a ready-to-use 5X solution with dithiothreitol (DTT) as a reducing agent. It can be used for SDS-PAGE protein loading of conventional proteins. The use of sample buffer ensures optimal band resolution when preparing proteins for SDS-PAGE with Tris-glycine-SDS running buffer. :It is the most commonly used sample buffer for SDS-PAGE of denatured proteins. It is a ready-to-use 5X solution with dithiothreitol (DTT) as a reducing agent. It can be used for SDS-PAGE protein loading of conventional proteins. The use of sample buffer ensures optimal band resolution when preparing proteins for SDS-PAGE with Tris-glycine-SDS running buffer. :It is the most commonly used sample buffer for SDS-PAGE of denatured proteins. It is a ready-to-use 5X solution with dithiothreitol (DTT) as a reducing agent. It can be used for SDS-PAGE protein loading of conventional proteins. The use of sample buffer ensures optimal band resolution when preparing proteins for SDS-PAGE with Tris-glycine-SDS running buffer.Role of reagents:
Tris-HCl: as a buffering substance. The pH play an essential role in preserving peptide bonds from breaking apart.
SDS: Proteins comes in different sizes and charges. SDS is an anionic detergent that helps in linearizing (by denaturing) the proteins and bringing a net negative charge to the proteins irrespective of the initial charge.
Glycerol: The high density (thickening of the solution) of glycerol ensures the sample moves down into the well.
DL-Dithiothreitol (DTT): is a strong reducing agent. Its specific role in sample denaturation is to remove the last bit of tertiary and quaternary structure by reducing disulfide bonds.
Bromophenol Blue: visually indicates the location (tracking dye) of the sample in the gel.

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Sisco Research Laboratories
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Richiesta tecnica su: SR-98786 SDS PAGE Sample Buffer (5X) (Reducing) w/ DTT w/ BPB

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