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Interferon α 10/IFNA10 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)
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Interferon α 10/IFNA10 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)

Rif. TM-TMPY-02516

529,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Lunedì 15 Luglio 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

Interferon α 10/IFNA10 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)
  • interferon, α10, interferon, alpha 10, IFN-alphaC, MGC119879, MGC119878, Interferon α10/IFNA10, IFN-αC

Interferon alpha-10 (IFNA10) is a member of the interferon family. Interferons belong to the group of the regulatory glycoproteins, of low molecular mass. They are the products of infected cell-genome, but not virus, as a consequence of the cause answer by different inductors. Interferon stimulates the production of two enzymes: a protein kinase and an oligoadenylate synthetase. They allow communication between cells to trigger the protective defenses of the immune system that eradicate pathogens or tumors. IFNs have other functions: they activate immune cells, such as natural killer cells and macrophages; they increase recognition of infection or tumor cells by up-regulating antigen presentation to T lymphocytes, and they increase the ability of uninfected host cells to resist new infection by the virus. Certain host symptoms, such as aching muscles and fever, are related to the production of IFNs during infection. Human IFNs are divided on the sequence of amino-acids into three groups: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma interferons.

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Proprietà chimiche

Peso molecolare:
48 kDa (predicted)
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Codice SA:

Informazioni sui pericoli

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