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Butyl Laurate
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Butyl Laurate

CAS: 106-18-3

Ref. 3D-AAA10618

1lA consultar
5lA consultar
100mlA consultar
250mlA consultar
500mlA consultar
Entrega estimada em Estados Unidos, Segunda-feira 1 de Julho de 2024

Informação sobre produto

Butyl Laurate
  • Butyl dodecanoate
  • Dodecanoic acid, butyl ester
  • Lauric acid n-butyl ester
  • Lauric acid, butyl ester
  • NSC 3920

Butyl laurate is an amide that is a light-sensitive compound. It belongs to the group of flavonol glycosides and can be found in plants such as Citrus aurantium, Eucalyptus globulus, and Lavandula officinalis. Butyl laurate has been shown to have antioxidant activity due to its ability to inhibit the oxidation of linoleic acid. The butyl group is responsible for the high reactivity of butyl laurate. The butyl group has a higher degree of unsaturation which allows for more hydrogen bonding with other molecules. This makes butyl laurate more soluble in water than other amides with hydrocarbon chains (e.g., ethyl lactate). Butyl laurate also undergoes less chemical reactions because it lacks an oxygen atom on either end of its hydrocarbon chain. This makes it less likely that the molecule will undergo a peroxidation reaction, which would result in the

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Propriedades químicas

Peso molecular:
256.43 g/mol
Min. 95%
Ponto de fusão:
Ponto de ebulição:
Ponto de inflamação:
Código HS:

Informação sobre riscos

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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-AAA10618 Butyl Laurate

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