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Sulfur Trioxide Trimethylamine Complex
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Sulfur Trioxide Trimethylamine Complex

CAS: 3162-58-1

Ref. 3D-DAA16258

25gA consultar
50gA consultar
100gA consultar
250gA consultar
500gA consultar
Entrega estimada em Estados Unidos, Terça-feira 16 de Julho de 2024

Informação sobre produto

Sulfur Trioxide Trimethylamine Complex
  • Methanamine, N,N-dimethyl-, compd. with sulfur trioxide (1:1)
  • NSC 9838
  • Sulfur trioxide trimethylamine complex
  • Sulfur trioxide, compd. with N,N-dimethylmethanamine (1:1)
  • Sulfur trioxide, compd. with trimethylamine (1:1)
  • Sulfur trioxide�Trimethylamine complex
  • Sulphur trioxide-trimethylamine complex
  • Trimethylamine compound with sulfur trioxide
  • Trimethylamine sulfur trioxide
  • Trimethylamine, compd. with sulfur trioxide (1:1)
  • Ver mais sinónimos
  • Trimethylamine-sulphur trioxide complex

Sulfur Trioxide Trimethylamine Complex is a metabolic disorder drug that is used to treat hepatic steatosis. It inhibits the production of fatty acids and hydroxyl groups by inhibiting de novo lipogenesis in the liver. The reaction solution of this drug has been shown to inhibit the growth of Hl-60 cells, which are human leukemia cells. The surface methodology for this drug has been shown to be effective against bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Sulfur Trioxide Trimethylamine Complex also binds to bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA and inhibits protein synthesis, leading to cell death by inhibiting the production of proteins vital for cell division. This drug also has been shown to have antimicrobial properties through its ability to inhibit bacterial phospholipid synthesis, which may lead to death by lysis or inhibition of cell membrane function.

Armazenamento a longo prazo:

Propriedades químicas

Peso molecular:
139.17 g/mol
Min. 95%
Ponto de fusão:
Ponto de ebulição:
Ponto de inflamação:
Código HS:

Informação sobre riscos

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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-DAA16258 Sulfur Trioxide Trimethylamine Complex

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