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Resorufin ethyl ether
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Resorufin ethyl ether

CAS: 5725-91-7

Ref. 3D-ER22912

1mgA consultar
2mgA consultar
5mgA consultar
10mgA consultar
25mgA consultar
Entrega estimada em Estados Unidos, Segunda-feira 26 de Agosto de 2024

Informação sobre produto

Resorufin ethyl ether
  • 7-Ethoxy-3H-phenoxazin-3-one7-O-Ethoxyresorufin
  • 3H-Phenoxazin-3-one, 7-ethoxy-
  • 7-Ethoxyphenoxazin-3-one
  • 7-Ethoxyphenoxazone
  • 7-Ethoxyresorufin
  • 7-ethoxy-3H-phenoxazin-3-one
  • O-Ethylresorufin
  • Resorufin ethyl ether (Ethoxyresorufin)

Resorufin ethyl ether is a fluorescent substrate that is used to measure the activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes. It can be used in vitro to study the effects of drugs on enzyme activities and in vivo to study liver lesions. Resorufin ethyl ether is also used as a model system for studying synchronous fluorescence, which is the emission of light by two or more substances at the same time. The nitrogen atoms in resorufin ethyl ether can be substituted with other atoms such as magnesium or zinc, which will affect its activity and fluorescence properties. Resorufin ethyl ether binds to cytochrome P450 enzymes and therefore inhibits their activity. This inhibition is reversible, and it can be reversed by adding a substance that competes with the substrate for binding sites on the enzyme.

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Propriedades químicas

Peso molecular:
241.24 g/mol
Min. 95%
Ponto de fusão:
Ponto de ebulição:
Ponto de inflamação:
Código HS:

Informação sobre riscos

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Frases H:
Frases P:
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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-ER22912 Resorufin ethyl ether

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