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Diethyl vinylphosphonate
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Diethyl vinylphosphonate

CAS: 682-30-4

Ref. 3D-FD162574

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Entrega estimada em Estados Unidos, Segunda-feira 15 de Julho de 2024

Informação sobre produto

Diethyl vinylphosphonate
  • 1-[Ethenyl(ethoxy)phosphoryl]oxyethane
  • Brn 0507596
  • Diethoxyphosphinylethene
  • Diethyl Ethenylphosphonate
  • Diethyl vinylphosphate
  • O,O-Diethyl vinylphosphonate
  • Phosphonic acid, P-ethenyl-, diethyl ester
  • Phosphonic acid, ethenyl-, diethyl ester
  • Phosphonic acid, vinyl-, diethyl ester
  • Vinyl-phosphonic acid diethyl ester
  • Ver mais sinónimos
  • Vinylphosphonic acid diethyl ester

Diethyl vinylphosphonate is a proton donor that has been shown to cause degenerative diseases in the brain and other tissues. Diethyl vinylphosphonate is an acidic compound that reacts with amines to form diethyl phosphoramide. This reaction occurs when the solution of diethyl vinylphosphonate is exposed to light or heat. Diethyl vinylphosphonate can also react with hydrochloric acid, forming hydrochloric acid esters, which are more stable than the original molecule. Diethyl vinylphosphonate is used as a precursor for pharmaceuticals and pesticides, but it has also been found to have cervical cancer-fighting properties. Recent studies have shown that the addition of methyl ketones can increase these properties. The mechanism of this drug is not fully understood, but it may be due to its ability to inhibit inflammatory reactions by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins.

Armazenamento a longo prazo:

Propriedades químicas

Peso molecular:
164.14 g/mol
Min. 95%
Ponto de fusão:
Ponto de ebulição:
Ponto de inflamação:
Código HS:

Informação sobre riscos

Número ONU:
Frases H:
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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-FD162574 Diethyl vinylphosphonate

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