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Ethyl Nonafluorobutyl Ether - mixture of isomers
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Ethyl Nonafluorobutyl Ether - mixture of isomers

CAS: 813458-04-7

Ref. 3D-FE78688

25gA consultar
50gA consultar
100gA consultar
250gA consultar
500gA consultar
Entrega estimada em Estados Unidos, Segunda-feira 15 de Julho de 2024

Informação sobre produto

Ethyl Nonafluorobutyl Ether - mixture of isomers

Ethyl nonafluorobutyl ether is a fluorinated ether that is used in the production of boron nitride and glycyrrhetinic acid. It has been shown to inhibit the activity of matrix metalloproteinases, which are enzymes that break down collagen in the joints and other tissues. Ethyl nonafluorobutyl ether also inhibits the growth of bacteria by causing cell death through a process called lysis. The product is not soluble in water or organic solvents, but is soluble in solvents such as acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran. The product is also considered to be chemically stable, with no evidence of polymerization or cross-linking.

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Min. 95%
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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-FE78688 Ethyl Nonafluorobutyl Ether - mixture of isomers

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